Friday 6 May 2011 photo 2/2
Sen kebab ^^ kände mig fet idag ;O åt mer sen lite mcdonken men aja orka fotta xD
Camera info
Camera HTC Wildfire
Focal length 4 mm
ISO 81
Ahmed Mahmoud
Fri 24 Jun 2011 17:05
Oliver was sitting on his bed thinking of som nice food he goes down when the rythm booms leave this place go back to yours whisper your ear i wants some more and i Jizz In MY PANTS!
Fri 6 May 2011 21:18
tjockis §
Donkey kong ƒυ¢к мє, ι'м ƒαмσυѕ ★
Fri 6 May 2011 21:18
haha ^^ ne bara hungrig okej lite kanske ..... ;3
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