Sunday 23 September 2007 photo 30/30
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Bara för att det blev CPTRÅKIGA svar på det så kör jag ett nytt .. x) The very first shuffeltest: 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING! 1. How are you feeling today? Halo 2. Will you get far in life? Like a virgin sacrified 3. How do your friends see you? Ansgar & Evelyne 4. Will you get married? Topsy Turvy 5. What is your life’s theme song? To the end 6. What is the story of your life? 15 år 7. What was high school like? Jag var bara inte gjord för dessa dar (åh, så sant!!) 8. How can you get ahead in life? Another way 9. What is tomorrow going to be like? Elite 10. What is the best thing about your friends? Rollercoaster 11. What is in store for the next weekend? Anabola idol 12. What song best describes you? Pierrot the clown 13. How is your life going? Hey modern days 14. What song will play at your funeral? Palace station 15. How does the world see you? Älska mej 16. Will you have a happy life? Hallå världen 17. What do your friends really think of you? Psalm 18. What song describes the person you’re attracted to? Slaget om en flickas hjärta 19. What message would you like to tell the next generation? Camisado 20. Do you have a deep dark secret? (Happy) Jag hatar att det är så 21. Do people secretly lust after me? Sundance kid 22. How can I make myself happy? Den blåa bussen 23. Will I ever have children? Today I woke to the rain of blood 24. What’s some good advice for me? Alkoholen (<3) 25. How will I be remembered? Till saga 26. What is my signature dance song? Här kommer lyckan för hundar som oss okej det här var också TRÅKIGT ... nu ger jag upp.