Wednesday 2 May 2012 photo 3/19
Tofu was... confused. he could tell the stylist had done something diffrent to his hair this time.
Sure he had said that he wanted to try something new but it felt much shorter at some places and he felt strange, someone mentioned brigth red, not that he knew exactly what that looked like but they said it was a big change from his normal blond hair.
He ran his long slim fingers over the strands of hair in his face.
What could or should he do now?
He could as well just leave it be for now. he brushed his hand over his arm and thanked the stylist before he left to get his cloths for this time.
A man on the street had asked him for directions and suddenly he found himself being dragged into some odd place where people was running around like wild ants
there was a strong scent of hairspray, perfumes, make-up and powders. he sneezed and wriggled his nose. it tickled.
The man shortly explained that they needed somone "like him" for a photo shoot.
They wanted HIM as a model?
He blushed... oh god what to do?
He was pulled along to the makeup and clothings where he went trough the transformation of the tall shy guy to be a model.
He had never thought of himself to be good looking enough to be a model.. or anything really. he was just tall.. and skinny but most of all he couldn´t see.
After a long akward moment infront of a camera, not knowing what to do or where to turn your head or how to pose at all they finished up.
He left his contact info and then hurried outside.
Only to be contacted a month later to be asked to join another time and he said no... being to shy to do that they asked of him. simply feeling that he didn´t belong in that kind of world...
(random side story till Tofu )
Camera info
Focal length 4 mm
Aperture f/3.3
Shutter 1/60 s
ISO 80
Comment the photo
Ice Heliot
Wed 2 May 2012 20:26
Ibland måste man våga prova! Det kan ju bli som i detta fallet, helt klart lysande! :)
Wed 2 May 2012 20:26
haha ja men jag tror ändå tofu trivs allra bäst när han inte syns så mycket. men han är verkligen fin i denna ^^
Wed 2 May 2012 20:09
Vad fin han var i den!
Wed 2 May 2012 17:49
Haha, lilla vän :P och äntligen fick man veta vad som skulle hända om man färgade håret på en ovetande liten Tofu :D
Wed 2 May 2012 14:28
*Rodnaaaaaaaaaaar* Syster yster, min söta lilla muffins.. när ska du lära dig att jag är liiiiiite dum i huvudet? *Fniss*
Wed 2 May 2012 14:29
hahaha XD men ja HAN liknar en manlig variant av Ariel, det håller jag med om, och dumma i huvudet är vi allihopa XD
Wed 2 May 2012 14:34
Hahaha, the best people always are!! ;D
Jaaaah, en manlig Ariel!! *.* Ååååh, tänk om hon hade haft sej en tvillingbror.. så granna han hade varit ;)
Jaaaah, en manlig Ariel!! *.* Ååååh, tänk om hon hade haft sej en tvillingbror.. så granna han hade varit ;)
Wed 2 May 2012 13:42
sbskbfkfb så söt ;_; <3<3
27 comments on this photo