Monday 27 July 2009 photo 1/1
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Har hyllat den här förut men måste göra det igen. Era i deras mest melankoliska stunder kombinerat med en hyfsad gnutta black metal. Hela skivan pendlar mellan melankoli, ångest och sekundkorta bitar av hopp. Bara Cult of Lunas Somewhere Along the Highway och Red Sparrowes At the Soundless Dawn som får samma effekt. Men inte lika effektivt.
So alas the sun had descended, her fire burned brilliant in the sky
The trees bore their withered silhouettes, that cast a spell upon unearthly white
No wolf shall keep his secrets, no bird shall dance the skyline
And I am left with nothing but an oath that gleams like a sword
To bathe in the blood of man
- She Painted Fire Across the Skyline (som kan vara världens bästa låttitel).
Ladda hem/köp och njut av en av världens bästa skivor, speciellt under höst och vinter.
The trees bore their withered silhouettes, that cast a spell upon unearthly white
No wolf shall keep his secrets, no bird shall dance the skyline
And I am left with nothing but an oath that gleams like a sword
To bathe in the blood of man