November 2012
Just a small town boy and girl livin' in a crazy world. Tryin' to figure out what is and isn't true. And I don't try to hide my tears. The secrets or my deepest fears. Through it all nobody gets me li
You with you're words like knife's and swords and weapons that you use against me you have knocked med on my feet again got me feeling like a nothing You with you're voice like nails on a chalkboard c
sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know or pushing people down to get you were you wanna go guess they didn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me
Nu är det bara 5 veckor kvar tills jag ska till USA och fira jul med min släkt där, kan knappt vänta!!
Att gå eller inte gå på en Spelning på antingen Laroy eller Ace ikvä Nä fuck it, tar nog hellre ett långt skönt bad och sen myser ner mig i soffan med popcorn och en film Ja, de blir br