Wednesday 12 March 2008 photo 1/3
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- Mr Ventura! - There's....someone on the wing! Some....thing! D= ... D= ......I'm sorry, what were you saying ? Oh you pretty shitty bang bang, shitty shitty bang bang we love you, and our pretty shitty bang bang, shitty shitty bang bang loves us too! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace Ventura: LOOO-HOOO-ZUH-HER! Melissa: Ace, get out of the tank. Ace Ventura: [talking like Scotty from Star Trek] I just can't do it, Captain. I don't have the power. Melissa: I said, get out of the tank now! Ace Ventura: For God's sake, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a pool man! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace: You're an extreme workaholic. You recently returned from a short trip to Gotan in northern Africa, and upon your return you more than likely took a nasty spill because of some... shotty masonry work. Vincent Cadby: Very impressive... might I ask, how? Ace: Surely... The abrasion on the palm of your left hand is the type one sustains breaking a fall of 3 to 5 feet, the small reminisce of plaster on the tip of your shoe pointed to a careless mason beam, the culprit, your new watch, a quality forgery of a cartieah was most likely purchased through the north African black market known to reside in Gotan. [Ace gasps for air] Vincent Cadby: And my work habits? Ace: Yes, a workaholic, the urine stain on your pants would signify that you're a single shake man, far to busy for a follow up jiggle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace: Your request is not unlike your lower intestine: stinky and loaded with danger. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fulton Greenwall: Ace, the Wachutus are a blood-thirsty, savage tribe. If they catch you, they will show no mercy! Ace: Worry not, my brother. For I will be as a fly on the wall - a grain of salt in the ocean. I will move amongst them like a transparent... *thing*. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fulton Greenwall: Bumbawe Atuna... Bumbawe Atuna... Ace: Hi there. Nice to see ya. Bumblebee tuna. Bumblebee tuna! [quickly turns to face one of the natives] Ace: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective! How are you this afternoon? Alrighty Then! [turns to another] Ace: Excuse me, your balls are showing. [thumbs-up] Ace: Bumblebee tuna. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! And that explains the abrasion on your palm! Let me run that back for you. [backs up] Ace: Malp ruoy no noisarba eht snialpxe taht dna eohs ruoy no saw tahw staht ni deppils uoy tahw stat. [starts moving forward again] Ace: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! AND THAT EXPLAINS THE ABRASION ON YOUR PALM! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ace is going at top speed towards the parking lot] Fulton Greenwall: Perhaps we should slow down just a teensy-weensy bit? Ace: Nonsense, Poopy-Pants! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment the photo
Wed 12 Mar 2008 10:21
Ace: Malp ruoy no noisarba eht snialpxe taht dna eohs ruoy no saw tahw staht ni deppils uoy tahw stat.
[starts moving forward again]
Ace: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! AND THAT EXPLAINS THE ABRASION ON YOUR PALM!
hahaha så jäkla kul
[starts moving forward again]
Ace: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! AND THAT EXPLAINS THE ABRASION ON YOUR PALM!
hahaha så jäkla kul
Wed 12 Mar 2008 10:22
Hahahaha, jag ÄLSKAR den här filmen! :D Kollar på den just nu ^^ (har du msn? :o)
Wed 12 Mar 2008 10:17
Ace Ventura är min idol <3
Wed 12 Mar 2008 09:53
Gratis kontantkort laddat med 250kr!
Just nu kan du få ett kontantkort laddat med 250kr helt gratis.
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Många köper lajv på lunarstorm för pengarna, men det går givetvis att köpa vad som helst.
Välj bland dessa operatörer: Comviq, Telenor, Parlino och Glocalnet.
Det går att beställa 1 kort av varje operatör och på så vis få väldigt mycket pengar att ringa för.
Du betalar inte porto för korten och det finns heller inga dolda avgifter.
Anledningen till att operatörerna bjuder på sådana här kort är för att de får nya kunder (om du behåller kortet i framtiden).
Gå in här och beställ:
Just nu kan du få ett kontantkort laddat med 250kr helt gratis.
Pengarna kan du sedan ringa/smsa för eller t.ex köpa ringsignaler.
Många köper lajv på lunarstorm för pengarna, men det går givetvis att köpa vad som helst.
Välj bland dessa operatörer: Comviq, Telenor, Parlino och Glocalnet.
Det går att beställa 1 kort av varje operatör och på så vis få väldigt mycket pengar att ringa för.
Du betalar inte porto för korten och det finns heller inga dolda avgifter.
Anledningen till att operatörerna bjuder på sådana här kort är för att de får nya kunder (om du behåller kortet i framtiden).
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