9 March 2010
Your beuty is spread over this room. On the walls, the floor, the roof, my knife all over me. Pure honesty is blood and flesh spread over a bigger surface. "Say one, more word, I double dare you (br
As i write in my book. The fourth. And realize what he expects of me. I get the feeling hes here. And then he grabs my mind and revolving me. Into what makes me happy... He wants me to spread the ho
Muhahaha! testing me. Making me do what you want me to. i understand you know. The fourth came to my dreams last night.
Nemen titta. Ja jag är en snell kille faktiskt. Det vet ni alla om ni pratat med mig nån gång. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Prata och känna är inte samma sak. Promise. U dont want to know me...
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