June 2008
Kokujo: So, what do you think? Shobu: Cool? Kokujo: What?! That's it. I just spawned the essence of an extremely powerful creature and that's all I get? Cool? Shobu: Uh, super cool? Kokujo: Now that's
Jaden: Okay, so if I win, Jasmine's free! Jasmine: And if you lose? Jaden: What if I lose? (pause) Whoah, didn't think of that.. &nb
You talk to much with your 'dont save me' and go away'. I thought I told you all your opinions were rejected. Typ CUTE!
Mukashi Mukashi hitori no otoko wa shinimashita. Once upon a time, there was a man who died. Otoko no shigoto wa ohanashi sukute kataru koto deshita. The man's work was to write and tell stories
[Teppei Koike For life!!!! <3] Once upon a time in a land that has been forgotten since ancient times... The Sky Continent Neo Verona. The mighty ability to float in the sky breathes life and pros
CYBERTOWN HUR: Tunnelbana till Fridhemsplan, Ner längst med Hantverkargatan sväng vänster på sankt Eriksgatan Framme vid Cybertown NÄR: Träffas 14.30 utanför C
Vad tycker ni om cybertown? 1. Hur gick det? 2. Var det kul? 3. Var det värt det? 4. Vill ni göra det igen? 5. Övrig info?
Nejmen titta vad mii hitta *-* Är du Emo? [ ] jag gillar stuprörsjeans. [/] musik är mitt liv. (Måste räkna med Japan också) [/] jag skriver poesi/låttexter. (i
In many things that we have done... In all that we have been... There are often things that we wish to let go of once and for all. But sometimes, we must confront our pasts... So that someday we m