Thursday 30 September 2010 photo 6/6
The Original One
Arceus (the creator of the Pokémon universe)
the Dragon trio
Dialga (Dragon of time)
Palkia (Dragon of space)
Giratina (Dragon of antimatter)
Spirit of all consciousness
Uxie (Embodying knowledge)
Mesprit (Embodying emotion)
Azelf (Embodying willpower)
Weather trio
Kyogre (Expands the oceans, hydrosphere)
Groudon (Expands the continents, lithosphere)
Rayquaza (End the conflict between Kyogre and Groudon, the atmosphere)
Legendary golems
Regigigas (Master of the legendary golems)
Regirock (Clay, Stone age)
Regice (Ice, Ice age)
Registeel (Magma, Iron age)
Legendary beasts
Entei (Represent the flames that burned the Brass Tower)
Raikou (Lightning strike which ignited the burning Brass Tower)
Suicune (represent the rains that quenched the flames of the burning Brass Tower)
Legendary birds
Zapdos (Thor, God of Thunder, Spring, two)
Articuno (Odin, God of Ice, Winter, one)
Moltres (Ra, God of Fire, Summer, three)
The Green Guardian
Celebi (Guardian of forests)
Mew Duo
Mew (DNA of every single Pokémon)
Mewtwo (life-form created through unnatural means)
Tower Duo (Legendary Birds)
Ho-oh (Savior of the legendary beasts, guardian of the skies)
Lugia (Leader of legendary birds, guardian of the seas)
Sea guardians
Manaphy & Phione
Lunar Duo
Darkrai (Represents the new moon)
Cresselia (Represents the crescent moon)
Eon Duo
Latios (Male)
Latias (Female)
Heatran (Embodiment of all volcanic activity)
Deoxys (Virus from space)
Jirachi (Grant wishes)
Shaymin (Ability to purify areas instantly, bring plant life in abundance)
Arceus (the creator of the Pokémon universe)
Dialga (Dragon of time)
Palkia (Dragon of space)
Giratina (Dragon of antimatter)
Uxie (Embodying knowledge)
Mesprit (Embodying emotion)
Azelf (Embodying willpower)
Kyogre (Expands the oceans, hydrosphere)
Groudon (Expands the continents, lithosphere)
Rayquaza (End the conflict between Kyogre and Groudon, the atmosphere)
Regigigas (Master of the legendary golems)
Regirock (Clay, Stone age)
Regice (Ice, Ice age)
Registeel (Magma, Iron age)
Entei (Represent the flames that burned the Brass Tower)
Raikou (Lightning strike which ignited the burning Brass Tower)
Suicune (represent the rains that quenched the flames of the burning Brass Tower)
Zapdos (Thor, God of Thunder, Spring, two)
Articuno (Odin, God of Ice, Winter, one)
Moltres (Ra, God of Fire, Summer, three)
Celebi (Guardian of forests)
Mew (DNA of every single Pokémon)
Mewtwo (life-form created through unnatural means)
Ho-oh (Savior of the legendary beasts, guardian of the skies)
Lugia (Leader of legendary birds, guardian of the seas)
Manaphy & Phione
Darkrai (Represents the new moon)
Cresselia (Represents the crescent moon)
Latios (Male)
Latias (Female)
Heatran (Embodiment of all volcanic activity)
Deoxys (Virus from space)
Jirachi (Grant wishes)
Shaymin (Ability to purify areas instantly, bring plant life in abundance)