Wednesday 19 November 2008 photo 2/2
Wednesday 19 November 2008 photo 2/2
Uncle Ruckus is somewhat repellent in appearance, behavior, andattitude. He has an intense hatred of everyone and everythingpertaining to black people, and often goes far out of his way to freehimself from his identity (he claims that God says the path toforgiveness for being black is to rebuke your own race). He championsthe small traces of Native American, French, or Irish ancestry heclaims to have (if any), and wishes that all black people were stillenslaved. He prattles white supremacist rhetoric and calls Michael Jackson (who suffers from the pigmentational skin changing disorder vitiligo)a "lucky bastard", as he no longer looks black. He occasionally claimsthat he has "re"-vitiligo, to explain his own skin tone. During the Civil Rights Movement, he actually protested against Martin Luther King'smarches, and would occasionally throw bricks at him, but usuallymissed. He also served on a jury in 1957 (making him a minimum of 69circa 2008) back in Tennessee that helped convict a blind black man ofkilling three white girls. In spite of being blind, the AfricanAmerican man supposedly shot the three with a Winchester rifle fromabout 50 yards away. (If one looks closely in this episode they willnotice Ruckus is the only black person on the otherwise all white jury,in what is most assuredly a Jim Crow courtroom.) During his firstencounter with the Freemans, he sings Don't Trust Them New Niggas Over There at a garden party, though he seems to socialize freely with the Freemans thereafter. In fact, Robert Freeman and Thomas Dubois on occasion are probably the only people on the show who could be considered friendly to Uncle Ruckus.
He adores white society and culture, most likely the reason why helives in Woodcrest. He claims to like the smell of white people, sayingthey smell like "lemon juiceand Pledge furniture cleaner." Despite Woodcrest's newfound acceptanceof people of different ethnicities, the neighborhood apparently has noquarrel with Uncle Ruckus' racist beliefs, and he can be seen employedin a variety of places performing a number of blue-collar jobs. He atone point joined the police force after turning down a 7-figuresettlement after wrongfully being shot at 118 times, claiming that theofficers "were simply doing their job." (Even after he becomes anofficer they still beat him on the pretext that "He has a gun.") As anofficer, he promised to make every black man's life as miserable as hepossibly could ("The Block is Hot").At one time, he became an evangelist after dreaming of going to "WhiteHeaven," preaching that black people must hate their blackness and lovethe white man to receive entrance into heaven ("The Passion of the Ruckus").
Uncle Ruckus has had a vast variety of jobs over the two seasons ofthe show, and is ubiquitous in nearly every working establishment onthe show. In the banned episode "Uncle Ruckus' Reality Show", heclaimed to work 32 jobs over the course of the week and wakes at 4:45a.m every morning for work.
Although nearly 70 years old and obese, Ruckus is an advancedpractitioner of martial arts and has shown himself to be Huey's equalon multiple occasions. He has apparent mastery with the nunchakus and is capable of incredible acrobatics along with his martial skills.