May 2009
Kommentera "<3" om du vill träffa mig i sommarkopiera och lägg ut på din bdb och se vem som vill träffa dig i sommar ;)
I wish that the dude in the mirror would be you! I wish i was brave enough! I wish you would be gay! I wish you would say: I love you! I wish that I would be in your mind, because you are al
Help me? Save me? Rush - The Trees! There is unrest in the forest, There is trouble with the trees, For the maples want more sunlight And the oaks ignore their pleas. The trouble with the ma
And I don't want you and I don't need you Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat cha It's not your fault that you're always wrong The weak ones are there to justify the strong The beautiful people, the