Saturday 15 May 2010 photo 2/2
(det är lugnt alla wapaneser, bläddra förbi bara.)
suck. nu har jag fått återfall igen. jag ger upp.
hela dumma helgen har jag inte gjort något annat än att lyssna på the white album. <3
nu tar vi alla fina lyrics på en gång, så slipper jag sprida ut dem. 8D
*var beredd med scrollern*
"I don't know how you were diverted
you were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted
no one alerted you
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps"
- While my guitar gently weeps, George Harrison
"She's not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do do, oh yeah
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane
The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
Working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the National Trust
I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
Down to the bits that I left uptown
I need a fix cause I'm going down
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Happiness (is a warm gun)
Bang Bang Shoot Shoot
Happiness (is a warm gun, momma)
Bang Bang Shoot Shoot"
- Happiness is a warm gun, John Lennon
"You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind
I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get."
- I'm so tired, John Lennon
"Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you,
When I cannot sing my heart
I can only speak my mind, Julia
Julia, sleeping sand, silent cloud, touch me
So I sing a song of love, Julia
Hum hum hum...calls me
So I sing a song of love for Julia, Julia, Julia"
- Julia, John Lennon
"My mother was of the sky
My father was of the earth
But I am of the universe
And you know what it's worth
I'm lonely wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why."
- Yer Blues, John Lennon
"Why don't we do-do it in the road?
No one will be watching us,
WHY don't we do it in the road?"
- Why don't we do it in the road, Paul McCartney
"When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and turn
and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Look out
Helter skelter
helter skelter
helter skelter
Yeah, hu,"
- Helter Skelter, Paul McCartney
- Ringo Starr, efter Helter Skelter
"Cool cherry cream and a nice apple tart
I feel your taste all the time we're apart
Coconut fudge really blows down those blues
But you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle
You know that what you eat you are
But what is sweet now, turns so sour
We all know Ob-La-Di-Bla-Da
But can you show me, where you are?"
- Savoy Truffle, George Harrison
suck. nu har jag fått återfall igen. jag ger upp.
hela dumma helgen har jag inte gjort något annat än att lyssna på the white album. <3
nu tar vi alla fina lyrics på en gång, så slipper jag sprida ut dem. 8D
*var beredd med scrollern*
"I don't know how you were diverted
you were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted
no one alerted you
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps"
"She's not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do do, oh yeah
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
Working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the National Trust
Down to the bits that I left uptown
I need a fix cause I'm going down
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Mother Superior jumped the gun
Bang Bang Shoot Shoot
Happiness (is a warm gun, momma)
Bang Bang Shoot Shoot"
"You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get."
"Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you,
I can only speak my mind, Julia
So I sing a song of love, Julia
Hum hum hum...calls me
So I sing a song of love for Julia, Julia, Julia"
"My mother was of the sky
My father was of the earth
But I am of the universe
And you know what it's worth
I'm lonely wanna die
If I ain't dead already
Ooh girl you know the reason why."
"Why don't we do-do it in the road?
No one will be watching us,
WHY don't we do it in the road?"
"When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and turn
and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Helter skelter
helter skelter
helter skelter
Yeah, hu,"
- Ringo Starr, efter Helter Skelter
"Cool cherry cream and a nice apple tart
I feel your taste all the time we're apart
Coconut fudge really blows down those blues
But you'll have to have them all pulled out
After the Savoy truffle
But what is sweet now, turns so sour
We all know Ob-La-Di-Bla-Da
But can you show me, where you are?"
Comment the photo
vi borde bli bästisar. bdb-bästisar. 8D
No one will be watching us,
WHY don't we do it in the road?"
hahaha (A)
men när skulle du skicka klippen btw? O_O känns som att det var 50000 år sedan XD
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