Thursday 15 March 2012 photo 1/1
Dagens skörd, enjoy!
Så egentligen gjorde jag inte mycket med den här delen.
Du får förstås ändra det du vill ändra och jag föreslår att Filly ska säga något någonstans där i Nigel-öl-incidenten, för han känns lite left out, han kan ju ta över någon av Ciar eller Nigels repliker?
Funderar också på att förlänga den, kanske ha med lite fler have you ever där på slutet, för jag känner att den leken är rolig och jag hade gärna utvecklat det!
(insåg just att den är jättelång också, wow.)
Both Alaska and Nigel were mysterious characters to me, which made me accept the invitation for a party at Alaska's house. Then I could investigate, or whatever.
There were a bunch of people I didn't know there, of course. Actually I didn't know anyone. Except for the 4 exceptions: (APPARENTLY ÄR AARON INTE DÄR STACKARN :CCC) Alaska, Filly, Nigel and Mike. That was good enough for me, at that point.
I actually got to know Mike a lot better the first hour or so, he wasn't as weird as I'd thought at first. I mean, he was a kid - and an overly colorful one of those - but when he had the time to sit down and just talk, it wasn't that bad.
What surprised me the most was, out of his four siblings, he was actually the oldest. He didn't seem like a big brother to me. Maybe that's an example of how looks can betray, maybe I don't look like a single-child who likes swimming?
Oh, yeah, because I am one of those.
Anyway, as Filly hadn't been much help on the subject, I asked how he and Jaw-breaker had gotten to know each other. His little face lit up as he told me the story:
“So I was going to the circus with my friend Julian, and it was amazing. There was cats who climbed stuff and they were awesome, and dogs, and horses, and all the people! But anyway, after like, half the show, these clowns came out, fooling around while the crew started fiddling with something. I mean, I didn't look to much at them, I was looking at the clowns. So when the clowns disappeared, I had no idea what was coming. But it was Nigel, and you should know, he's awesome. Truly awesome. He knows what he's doing. Oh, and, anyway, I thought he was totally handsome and all, so after the show I decided to find him to ask him out."
At this point I had to interrupt a little by giving away a surprised little sound. That right there was what you call IHÄRDIGHET.
“Yeah, so, I found him. I think I was lucky, mostly. But when I got closer to him I realized he was older than I'd thought, and I'm a little picky with older guys. I couldn't just go back at that point, though, so I started talking to him. Like, I said I liked the show and he thought I was funny because, you know, I have my own sense of style. And that's basically what happened, later I just introduced him to Alaska and Filly and, you know, he's pretty likeable."
Mike and I would probably have been sitting there longer, and I would probably have gotten to know more about the other meeting, the one between Alaska and him, but we got interrupted. The pilot glasses swirled by us, saying we should all meet in some room of his.
There wasn't any time to INVÄNDA, so we ended up in the same room as Alaska, Filly, Nigel, and some random dude who didn't look alright to me. I mean, I don't want to be judgmental, but when I saw the joint they were passing around, I wasn't surprised.
He was introduced as Alic, and he seemed to know Alaska. Made no difference to me, my eyes were set on the joint. It seemed to have originated from Alaska's direction, then passed on to the Alic-guy. Next were Nigel, though he just handed it over to me without taking a single drag. I did, though. The experiments you do when you're young or whatever, don't have much more to say about that.
I passed it on to Filly, and then the circle was set. Mike'd been left out when Nigel handed the joint to me, he'd skipped the young boy without hesitation. I guess I understand why, I mean, Mike was fourteen.
“Is there beer?" I heard Alaska murmur, he was drunk, I could tell. “I wanna' play... have you evah."
“There's a six pack at the end of the bed", Alic answered, me thinking that it was weird how this guy knew that. Maybe he and Alaska were close, god, I didn't know much about Alaska at all. Just that he wasn't an expert in dog breeds.
I hadn't thought much about the room we were in until that point. It wasn't much anyway, the wallpaper was mostly ripped of the walls and a bed consisting of a mattress was lying on the floor. Other than that, there was a window. Seriously, that's what you call minimalistic living.
Filly started handing out beer to all of us, I'd never played 'have you ever' but I knew the basic idea of it, which made me worry a lot less than I otherwise would have.
“I start", Alaska said. “Have you ever... stole a car?" He drank, as well as Alic. I did too, though I didn't say what car I'd stolen. I mean, it was my dad's, but I had taken it without permission and that counted as stealing, right?
Jaw-breaker cleared his throat. “Alright, have you ever... been chased by a police car without a 'real' police inside it?" He was the only one who drank. I wasn't surprised by that.
Alaska started laughing, though he managed a half choked: “Holy fuck. That's a... story you'' have to … tell me sometime dude."
The joint had been passed on to him now, he took a couple of drags and then washed it down with a mouthful of beer.
“I'll go next..." Filly laughed. “Have you ever dumped someone because they smelled really, really bad?" He drank, though as earlier with Nigel, he was the only one.
I watched Alaska rest his head on the Alic-guy's shoulder, making a low purring noise which was entirely disturbing and something I would never have thought I'd hear from him, ever. Alic snatched the joint from him, then mumbled something that sounded like: “Alaska.. how you gonna' pay?"
My attention changed direction at this point, though. Otherwise, I'd probably noticed how Alaska and Alic left the room, but as it was, I was busy looking at what was happening between Nigel and Mike.
Mike had, as it seemed, tried to take a sip of his beer. Until now, he hadn't done it, and I guess he just wanted to try it or he wanted to drink because he'd once dumped someone who smelled really bad.
Anyway, a certain foot had appeared seemingly out of nowhere and kicked the beer out of Mike's hands. It landed in the hand of the perpetrator, Nigel, of course. He then threw it further, out the window. Apparently it was open, couldn't have been for long though, I mean, it would've gotten a lot colder then.. right?
Mike hadn't really caught on yet, though. He just sat there, looking at his hands, trying to grab the air, or perhaps the imaginary beer he had there.
“I take my question back", I heard Filly say. “Not wanted to know about Alaska's sex life?"
I didn't understand this, I'd barely noticed Alaska leaving with all the beer-flying going on, and Filly wasn't really helping with his cryptical sex-talk.
Suddenly Mike gave his reaction: “WHAT?!"
“What what?" Nigel asked, looking around. I was kind of impressed by his theatrical talents.
“The.. my... beer!" The boy looked at him suspiciously.
“I'm sorry, kid. I didn't do anything."
Mike looked confused, his gaze flying all over the place, probably looking for the mysteriously disappearing beer. Then he jumped to his feet with a: “Wait!" He scurried over to the window, looking outside.
“Something interesting happening outside, Mike?" I asked, trying my best not to look guilty.
“Well no..." he answered slowly. “..There's just a container... but it's dark outside.. and I can't see what's in it.."
“Would you close the window while you're at it, it's getting cold in here", Nigel said.
Mike looked disappointed, but he closed it, and as he got back to sit down between me and Nigel, Alaska returned. This time without Alic.
He sat down and leaned his head on Filly's shoulder.
Comment the photo
Fri 16 Mar 2012 17:33
Det ska egentligen vara I have never ever :)))))) Men säg det till 12 åriga mig :)))) Vi har hittat på ett nytt drinking game<3
Sun 18 Mar 2012 20:07
Jo, men jag är väldigt stressad och min hjärna vill inte låta mig ha kul för stunden :c
Sun 18 Mar 2012 20:14
Det är okej, jag är klar, men försöker list ut hur de ska framställas, i en mapp eller på en kartong bit eller något D:
Sun 18 Mar 2012 20:16
Jo, såg det, men ah, du hittar säkert på något c:
(bra peptalk är bra peptalk)
(bra peptalk är bra peptalk)
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