Saturday 27 February 2010 photo 1/2
Feeling pressure from the fold
He believes the dream is over
Drained blue eye, scorching fire
The whole meaning becomes undone
We're out of focus, we've lost control
I blame our ego and you all call me names
He believes the dream is over
Drained blue eye, scorching fire
The whole meaning becomes undone
We're out of focus, we've lost control
I blame our ego and you all call me names
Comment the photo
Mon 1 Mar 2010 11:34
in flames är mina så försök inte ville :P ska du på metal town? :D
Mon 1 Mar 2010 18:43
du kan hänga med mig o några polare om du har lust :P eller vi är typ 20 pers men men XD
10 comments on this photo