Wednesday 27 January 2010 photo 1/2
Jag har sett/hört mer och mer folk som klagat över trötthet och allmän
apati...och visst det hör till årstiden...så jag hade det i bakhuvudet idag
på jobbet då jag filosoferade om kapitel ett i serien/comicen/mangan/whatever...
och det slog mig att trötthet och apati är den 19åriga Dante i ett nötskal XD
så under en rast medans jag öste i mig födoämnen så knåpade jag ihop
det hära....och både den hära och den jag postade förut "it will make more sense" efter ni läst serien XD
"I'm so tired...and I don't feel like doing anything...and I feel empty." I said.
He just rolled his eyes at me and then started laughing. I snorted and gave
him a well aimed kick. He grunted and stopped laughing.
"What, did you expect sympathy?" He asked while rubbing his wounded area.
It would bruise for certain. I could snap his neck. It would just take a couple
of seconds, or I could drag it out. Long and agonizing.
"You could've stayed silent otherwise." I grumbled. He lifted an eyebrow
and his eyes twinkled.
"Well, you could have stayed silent to begin with." Was his comeback. I
opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. It was true. Everything
I said or did could get a response I didn't like. So what was the point of
anything really? Why did I care at all anyway?
I looked at him and he was giving me one of his trademarked know
it all grins that I have come to hate. Loathe more like it actually.
Moving a bit from my awkward position I felt the deep scar pull on
my skin. Before I wouldn't have cared, but now I did for some reason
..and so did he. Otherwise he wouldn't have bothered listening to my
whining or cared enough to give any sort of response other then
I would always care enough to give him my feelings on a platter and
he would always care enough to give me his in a round about sort of
way that probably always will annoy me. So I pushed my foot against
his soon to be bruise and listened to him grunt. Me, mine, visible,
another proof that I exist.
"You're annoying Mara." I said to him in a conversational tone while
pressing my foot harder against him. He snorted and pushed away
my leg.
"And you are a sadist, kid." I was about to offer him a comeback but
a security guard opened the cell door.
Kärlek och hat är samma sak, motsatsen är likgiltighet.
Haha, ja....volym 1 utspelar sig till största delen i ett fängelse XP
Kärlek och hat är samma sak, motsatsen är likgiltighet.
Haha, ja....volym 1 utspelar sig till största delen i ett fängelse XP
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