Friday 20 August 2010 photo 1/2
my oh my...det var länge sedan jag gjorde något alls graffiti liknande...så
ni får nöja er med den hära XD....Weregilds nya logga XD
ska fixa till den lite bättre senare... XD vill gå isäng nu....
Jag har massor med scener i huvudet som jag då jag känner mig manad
kommer skriva ner och posta, det är inte säkert ifall de kommer vara med
i huvudhistorien men skriva dem kan jag ju alltid :3....har en nu redan....en....
scen som är väldigt viktig och som jag har ändrat på fleeera gånger....dock
fick den sin största makeover för typ två veckor sedan då syrran och jag
ändrade gängets bakgrunder ganska men ska posta den
nu så att jag inte ändrar på den igen XD.....varför den är viktig? det är
första gången Alex och Rocco "möts" XD
Jack är runt 6-7 år....Alex är runt 7-8 år och de stora pojkarna är 9 år
och uppåt XD
Corrupted youth
"Well if it isn't the town freak out walking his dog?" They had surrounded us,
the big boys I see around school sometimes. Doing mean stuff.
"Do your mommy think that you're so stupid so you have to wear a helmet
incase you should trip over yourself?" Another of the big boys said. I could
feel my body getting warmer and that particular tingling feeling. So I sat
down on the ground closed my eyes, hugged my legs and started counting
backwards. Like the doctor had told me to do.
"Hey you..." One of them started but he got interrupted by Jack.
"Leave us alone you big meanies, It's not his fault. Mom says he have to wear
that when he is outside because he has Pepsi." I heard the rustle of clothes.
"You litte brat! You dare talk back to us, you think we won't hit you just 'cuz
you're a girl?! Stupid bitch!"
"I am bored." That voice. I had to open my eyes. The biggest boy was holding
my sister around the neck. A little bit away from the group sat a boy on a
skateboard. He was looking at the boy holding my sister. "Did you hear me,
Keith? I'm bored, you know you don't want me to be bored."
He was leaning his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees staring
at the biggest boy, Keith, with an obvious bored expression in his face.
"Ahahe, ah, sorry sorry." Keith said while letting go of my sister and turning
to the other boy. I think it was a boy anyway. He was wearing too big very
worn out boy clothes but when he stood up and picked up his skateboard he
was a lot shorter then the other boys. Also he was too pretty to be a boy, with
golden eyes and hair, oh, and elf ears. Maybe that was why he looked like a
"What do you want to do?" Keith said as they started walking away from us.
I couldn't believe it. That elf boy was a lot smaller then the other boys, why
were they so afraid? Then the elf boy glared at me from over his should and
I could feel a shiver go down my spine.
"Alex why are you crying, the mean boys left." My sister asked and I touched
my cheek.
I understood why they feared him.
"Do your mommy think that you're so stupid so you have to wear a helmet
incase you should trip over yourself?" Another of the big boys said. I could
feel my body getting warmer and that particular tingling feeling. So I sat
down on the ground closed my eyes, hugged my legs and started counting
backwards. Like the doctor had told me to do.
"Hey you..." One of them started but he got interrupted by Jack.
"Leave us alone you big meanies, It's not his fault. Mom says he have to wear
that when he is outside because he has Pepsi." I heard the rustle of clothes.
"You litte brat! You dare talk back to us, you think we won't hit you just 'cuz
you're a girl?! Stupid bitch!"
"I am bored." That voice. I had to open my eyes. The biggest boy was holding
my sister around the neck. A little bit away from the group sat a boy on a
skateboard. He was looking at the boy holding my sister. "Did you hear me,
Keith? I'm bored, you know you don't want me to be bored."
He was leaning his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees staring
at the biggest boy, Keith, with an obvious bored expression in his face.
"Ahahe, ah, sorry sorry." Keith said while letting go of my sister and turning
to the other boy. I think it was a boy anyway. He was wearing too big very
worn out boy clothes but when he stood up and picked up his skateboard he
was a lot shorter then the other boys. Also he was too pretty to be a boy, with
golden eyes and hair, oh, and elf ears. Maybe that was why he looked like a
"What do you want to do?" Keith said as they started walking away from us.
I couldn't believe it. That elf boy was a lot smaller then the other boys, why
were they so afraid? Then the elf boy glared at me from over his should and
I could feel a shiver go down my spine.
"Alex why are you crying, the mean boys left." My sister asked and I touched
my cheek.
I understood why they feared him.
Comment the photo
Hmmm.....XD Hans ögon kanske sa nått i stil med
"I know all your dirty little secrets, dance puppet, dance."
*flummar sig*
Tycker att Alex och Jack borde tacka sin lyckliga stjärna att
Roccos pappa lärt honom värdet av information XD
inte för att Rocco gjorde det för att rädda dem dock...han
hade faktiskt bara tråkigt.....är inte så kul att slå på critters
som inte slår tillbaka XD ^^;;;;;;
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