Thursday 2 June 2011 photo 1/2
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Ahahaha, av nån anledning så var min fantasi naughty idag...
och jag spenderade hela eftermiddagen med en scen i huvudet
som jag då jag kom hem var tvungen att skriva...så jag skrev
den under "Big Bang Theory" och jag har suttit sedan dess
och angstat över ifall jag ska posta den eller inte ^^;;
Vet inte riktigt än ifall den verkligen kommer funka såhära
i historien eller inte....har ju som jättemycket kvar innan
det kommer till den punkten så det kanske inte blir såhära...
men.....iallafall....eftersom Joey är lite crude och det händer
naughty stuff så är det 15års gräns (eftersom det är
age of consent här i sverige) på den.....den är oxå
på engelska för att färre personer under 15 ska försöka
orka läsa den......eftersom jag skyndade mig igenom den
så är den nog inte så bra heller ^^;;; stuff like this embarrass me
when it's my own characters and I'm letting other people read it ^^;;
jag tror faktiskt jag inte skrivit nått med mera än en puss ens förut...
(konan? jag kommer då inte ihåg nått) ^^;;; men okej....
den är i vitt här nedanför XD
"I love you." I muttered. He must have heard me. I muttered it really loudly,
but he just kept adding eyeshadow to my eyes like I hadn't opened my
mouth at all.
We were in the living-room and I was sitting with my legs spread and Birdie
in between them. He was giving me a decent makeup, a regular occurrence
when we were going out and he was evidently completely ignoring my bold
confession. I had been spending a whole lot of time building up the courage
to finally confess and this was his response?
"Did you not hear me?" I pouted, tempted to open my eyes before he told me
"I heard you. I've known that for several years, you are.....kinda obvious."
He replied after a while and I opened my eyes. I had to look at him. He put the
eyeshadow brush down on the floor next to himself and picked up a mascara
This was kind of confusing. Wasn't he going to comment on it? Reject me and
throw away our friendship? If he knew I loved him then why did he not mind
being this close to me? Did he not know that every casual touch he gave
me fed wet fantasies for several weeks? Maybe...
I decided to take a gamble. It couldn't hurt. He pulled out the mascara brush
and grabbed my chin to angle it down so he could put on the mascara. I
took a deep breath and went for it.
"Can I kiss you?" He rolled his eyes and continued to add mascara in short
careful and calculated strokes. "Well? Can I?" I asked again. He sighed and
after he had finished with the mascara and put it away on the floor he
"Sure." Before he had uttered the last syllable I had grabbed a hold of the
back of his head and pulled his lips towards mine. I had fantasied about this
for years but never actually thought it would happen.
My other arm sneaked around his waist and pulled him up towards me.
I wanted him in my lap. He mumbled an "Oh" at this and I pushed my tongue
inside his mouth. He didn't seem to mind it.
I have always been greedy. I had gotten what I had dreamed about but
now I wanted more. While continuing to french him, damn it was heavenly, the
hand I had kept at his waist crept down into his sweatpants. Slightly slurring I
let go of his mouth.
"'lese, can I?" I wasn't sure I had made any sense but he rolled his eyes
and put his mouth next to my ear.
"Begging is terribly unattractive, I will tell you if I disapprove." Somehow without
me noticing one of his own hands had slipped down in his pants. My long
finger which had been hovering was pressed down at the end of his sentence
and at the same time he also bit my neck just under my ear.
I whimpered and came.
"Well, well. " He chuckled next to my ear and I grumbled. It wasn't my fault that
I had been terribly horny and in celibate for the last couple of years.
I retook his lips and moved my hands from his ass to his front. He didn't
disapprove though he was very limp. I guess that's what you'd expect from a
straight dude in this situation. Well, they probably don't end up in these kinds
of situations often. It meant though, that I would have to work harder.
Suddenly he let go of my lips and for a moment I worried that this was the end
of it. But the worry soon subsided because he started to nibble on my neck and
my groin twitched again.
My nether regions felt sticky, my skin felt sensitive and I felt like I had woken
up on cloud number nine. Well, it was really only Birdies bed but it felt like
heaven to me.
I turned slightly and watched Birdie sleep then I decided that I might as well
go and get myself cleaned up. I had work in the afternoon and friends were
probably wondering why we hadn't shown up. I let go of his waist and slowly
got out of his bed.
I cut through his room, the hallway and entered the bathroom where something
in our big bathroom mirror caught my eyes. I stopped in front of it and stared at
myself in wonder.
Starting below my left ear and traveling over my shoulder and down my arm
to my wrist, around my neck and on my chest was a pattern of several hickeys.
I stared dumbfounded at them for a moment until I could see what the pattern
said. Then I had to grab a hold of the sink because my legs became wobbly.
I didn't have to worry anymore about him leaving me. This was better then a
the muttered and conventional confession. And probably the only kind I would
ever get out of his mouth.
A/N: (Birdies namn är Thaddeus Blackbird ifall ni har glömt)
"I love you." I muttered. He must have heard me. I muttered it really loudly,
but he just kept adding eyeshadow to my eyes like I hadn't opened my
mouth at all.
We were in the living-room and I was sitting with my legs spread and Birdie
in between them. He was giving me a decent makeup, a regular occurrence
when we were going out and he was evidently completely ignoring my bold
confession. I had been spending a whole lot of time building up the courage
to finally confess and this was his response?
"Did you not hear me?" I pouted, tempted to open my eyes before he told me
"I heard you. I've known that for several years, you are.....kinda obvious."
He replied after a while and I opened my eyes. I had to look at him. He put the
eyeshadow brush down on the floor next to himself and picked up a mascara
This was kind of confusing. Wasn't he going to comment on it? Reject me and
throw away our friendship? If he knew I loved him then why did he not mind
being this close to me? Did he not know that every casual touch he gave
me fed wet fantasies for several weeks? Maybe...
I decided to take a gamble. It couldn't hurt. He pulled out the mascara brush
and grabbed my chin to angle it down so he could put on the mascara. I
took a deep breath and went for it.
"Can I kiss you?" He rolled his eyes and continued to add mascara in short
careful and calculated strokes. "Well? Can I?" I asked again. He sighed and
after he had finished with the mascara and put it away on the floor he
"Sure." Before he had uttered the last syllable I had grabbed a hold of the
back of his head and pulled his lips towards mine. I had fantasied about this
for years but never actually thought it would happen.
My other arm sneaked around his waist and pulled him up towards me.
I wanted him in my lap. He mumbled an "Oh" at this and I pushed my tongue
inside his mouth. He didn't seem to mind it.
I have always been greedy. I had gotten what I had dreamed about but
now I wanted more. While continuing to french him, damn it was heavenly, the
hand I had kept at his waist crept down into his sweatpants. Slightly slurring I
let go of his mouth.
"'lese, can I?" I wasn't sure I had made any sense but he rolled his eyes
and put his mouth next to my ear.
"Begging is terribly unattractive, I will tell you if I disapprove." Somehow without
me noticing one of his own hands had slipped down in his pants. My long
finger which had been hovering was pressed down at the end of his sentence
and at the same time he also bit my neck just under my ear.
I whimpered and came.
"Well, well. " He chuckled next to my ear and I grumbled. It wasn't my fault that
I had been terribly horny and in celibate for the last couple of years.
I retook his lips and moved my hands from his ass to his front. He didn't
disapprove though he was very limp. I guess that's what you'd expect from a
straight dude in this situation. Well, they probably don't end up in these kinds
of situations often. It meant though, that I would have to work harder.
Suddenly he let go of my lips and for a moment I worried that this was the end
of it. But the worry soon subsided because he started to nibble on my neck and
my groin twitched again.
My nether regions felt sticky, my skin felt sensitive and I felt like I had woken
up on cloud number nine. Well, it was really only Birdies bed but it felt like
heaven to me.
I turned slightly and watched Birdie sleep then I decided that I might as well
go and get myself cleaned up. I had work in the afternoon and friends were
probably wondering why we hadn't shown up. I let go of his waist and slowly
got out of his bed.
I cut through his room, the hallway and entered the bathroom where something
in our big bathroom mirror caught my eyes. I stopped in front of it and stared at
myself in wonder.
Starting below my left ear and traveling over my shoulder and down my arm
to my wrist, around my neck and on my chest was a pattern of several hickeys.
I stared dumbfounded at them for a moment until I could see what the pattern
said. Then I had to grab a hold of the sink because my legs became wobbly.
I didn't have to worry anymore about him leaving me. This was better then a
the muttered and conventional confession. And probably the only kind I would
ever get out of his mouth.
A/N: (Birdies namn är Thaddeus Blackbird ifall ni har glömt)
Comment the photo

Joey: Noooes ^^;;

Julie: x//////x Now that's a picture I didn't want in my head! I think I need to wash my eyes, and my brain... *shakes head*

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