Monday 11 November 2013 photo 3/3
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The man tried to yank his hand free. He couldn’t. Wyatt removed the other hand from his face. Blood running down from his nose, over his lips, down on his chin and dripping on the ground. Gathering in a small pool.
Gasping Wyatt was about to shout, he has seen something glinting in the woman’s hand. Her knife. She was going to stab the man who had hurt her now when he was preoccupied with the metal-man, but the metal-man had seen it to. He grabbed a hold of the woman’s arm with his free hand. Then he pulled them both up.
Wyatt got pulled from the ground too. It was Billy, he looked angry and was muttering. "Was that really necissary?"
Nodding Wyatt watched the metal-man dragging both the man and the woman away from the scene. Taking some steps towards some on the wooden animals on the ground Wyatt almost tripped backwards. "Oh sorry, you should freaking cut that long hair of your’s, you moron. You look like a girl. Go sit down next to our cart and pinch the bridge of your nose or you’ll bleed to death."
Wyatt did what he was told. But he kept bleeding. Only the metal-man had done something. Had been able to do something. What was he? Wyatt glanced at Josh. Would he know? "Who was that metal-man?"
Josh shrugged. "Just a knight. It’s their job to keep peace and order."
Playing with the end of his braid Wyatt sucked his lower lip. A knight? If he became one, would he become strong and smart. Would he be able to protect people? Protect himself? Squeezing his braid he was about to stand up again but Josh pushed him down pulled his up and stuffed cotton into his nostrils.
Wyatt frowned and his nose twitched. That hurt, a lot. "Josh, how do people become knights?"
Josh glared at him and then looked up at the people passing by. Billy was back to trying to sell their wares again. "You can’t. You need to be a noble to be able to become on."
It felt like he got a cold shower. He could honestly feel the wetness. He wouldn’t be able to become one? Why? That was so unfair. Wyatt rubbed his eyes. He would never be able to do anything right. He would never amount to anything.
Looking up at his brothers doing their work Wyatt just wanted to sink down into the ground. He wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Then he wouldn’t have to think or feel anything anymore. "Just don’t sit there you moron, you’re here to work."
Billy was glaring at him. Wyatt looked down on the ground. He didn’t know how to.
Slowly standing up Wyatt pulled the cotton from his nose. It had stopped bleeding. Looking around, it looked like the fight between the man and the woman had never happened. Her table was removed and so was all of her wooden trinkets. Well almost all of her stuff. Wyatt took a couple of steps and bent down. It was a ring made of wood and metal. He picked it up and tried it on his fingers. It fit the long finger of his left hand perfectly. "What are you doing?! Come over here before I kick your useless butt!"
Wyatt glanced at the ring, it felt warm and comfortable, and then stepped back over to his brothers.
The woman frowned at him and tapped her boot. "So is it sweet or sour?"
Glancing over at his brothers Wyatt saw that they were busy with their own customers. He knew how the apples tasted. Since he ate them almost all the time. But he didn’t know if they were sweet or sour. ""
Wyatt tapped his brother’s shoulder but his brother ignored him, answering a question from his customer. Wyatt waited until his brother was done and then tapped his shoulder again. Josh turned around. "WHAT? Couldn’t you see that I was busy?"
Pouting Wyatt glanced back at his own customer only to see that the spot where she had been was empty. "...sorry...nothing."
Josh glared at him and then turned back to flog their wares. Looking around Wyatt saw his customer buying a bag of apples from one of the other carts.
Wyatt wasn’t really good at anything. He picked up the end of his braid and sat down leaning against the back of the cart. Away from all the people. Playing with the end of his braid like usual he noticed the ring. He really should try to find the woman with the knife and give it back to her, but where could the knight have taken her? To jail?
His brothers had told him that the big jail was in the capital, but that there was a small jail inside the town. Wyatt glanced towards what he thought was the center of town. What did a jail look like? He only knew that it was used to lock up people that had misbehaved. Like when his brothers had locked him up in a small box.
Camera info
Camera Iphone 5
Focal length 4 mm
Aperture f/2.4
Shutter 1/50 s
ISO 64