Wednesday 26 March 2014 photo 1/2
Hurr…..skriver väldigt sällan "fairytales" så vet inte om det hära är för lamt? Dåligt? Comments? ….det ska vara prologen till webcomicen :3 (well…en av huvudpersonerna får fairytalen berättad för sig då han var ett barn)
Once upon a time in a vast and bountiful land. A young race that had named themselves humans suddenly realized and could prove, without reasonable doubt, that they were not the only creatures capable of thought. There were other creatures, and these creatures possessed mystical powers that the humans didn’t.
Afraid and jealous the humans attacked the magical creatures. They weren’t prepared. Having lived their long lives in peace up until now they could not protected themselves even with their magical power. Alas, they didn’t want to hurt the humans even thou the humans were hurting them. Killing them.
The king of the forest felt the pain of his children and beseeched mother earth for help at he ocean of life. Still, he did not expect her to answer his prayers as the humans were her children as well.
But she did. She changed his form into something more human and turned the rolling sands of the shore into a huge castle. Now they had a safe haven.
The king called for his children and they answered. Traveling across the lands and over the seas they gathered. But the humans followed, gleeful that they would be able to kill all the magical creatures of the land in one fell swoop.
However, without magic the humans could not pass the rolling sand protecting the castle. They tried and many died before they decided that the stronghold was impregnable. The humans named, as they always had to do, the rolling stronghold of the forest king.
Afraid and jealous the humans attacked the magical creatures. They weren’t prepared. Having lived their long lives in peace up until now they could not protected themselves even with their magical power. Alas, they didn’t want to hurt the humans even thou the humans were hurting them. Killing them.
The king of the forest felt the pain of his children and beseeched mother earth for help at he ocean of life. Still, he did not expect her to answer his prayers as the humans were her children as well.
But she did. She changed his form into something more human and turned the rolling sands of the shore into a huge castle. Now they had a safe haven.
The king called for his children and they answered. Traveling across the lands and over the seas they gathered. But the humans followed, gleeful that they would be able to kill all the magical creatures of the land in one fell swoop.
However, without magic the humans could not pass the rolling sand protecting the castle. They tried and many died before they decided that the stronghold was impregnable. The humans named, as they always had to do, the rolling stronghold of the forest king.
Comment the photo
Wed 26 Mar 2014 08:49
ohh i like it ^w^ , du är ducktig på att skapa spänning när du skriver ja tycker den e bra so far o ser fram emot fortsättningen ^w^<3
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