Saturday 27 September 2014 photo 1/1
Eftersom jag inte får leka med NaNoWriMo historien något mera (för då kommer jag nog hinna bli less på den innan November XD;;) ……så har jag börjat på en annan historia XD;;;
…och nä, Finch är inte döpt efter gubben i harry potter…..Finch är en fågelsort XD (och ett ganska vanligt efternamn)…och det är antagligen inte hans riktiga namn heller XD; …han är warlock/necromancer/wizard/whatever XD;;;
"As sweet as this honey is, so sweet will Emilie be to me." Finch let go of the note and pulled three fingers out of the jar of honey, to promptly insert them into his mouth. The taste seemed to surprise him as he quickly pulled the fingers out and scrunched his face up. Though, it didn’t stop him from licking every last trace of honey from his fingers as he twisted a lid onto the jar with his other hand.
"Do you really think that will work for you?" November watched from the shadows at the far end of the room as Finch placed a red candle on the honey jar lid. No reaction to the question at all, not even a batted eyelid. Instead Finch continued with the honey jar spell he had found online, lighting the candle with tree flicks of his fingers.
November sighed. He was being ignored. Not that it surprised him, really, it didn’t. He wasn’t hurt by it at all either. As a demon, of sorts, he supposedly had no feelings at all anyway.
So November didn’t at all feel like wagging a tail he no longer had when Finch cast him a sidelong glance and replied. "Well, it doesn’t hurt to try now does it?"
November snorted and rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the shadows. "That’s rich, coming from you, isn’t it?"
November snorted and rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the shadows. "That’s rich, coming from you, isn’t it?"
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Sat 27 Sep 2014 23:14
Nä....eller låter lika men jag menar han som heter Finch i efternamn.....typ justin eller nått. Läste bara till bok 4 innan jag blev för arg på harry för att kunna läsa vidare ^^;; (fast man har ju blivit påpackad information om de böckerna ändå eftersom syrran läst alla och jag har sett alla filmerna XD; )
Sun 28 Sep 2014 11:45
Ah. Jag blev arg på mig själv för att jag inte kunde komma ihåg en karaktär som hette Finch v_v
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