Karin Maria Andersson
Namn: Karin Maria Andersson
Kön: Kvinna
Dejtar: Både killar och tjejer
Gör: Pluggar till lärare inom svenska, svenska 2 och religion + islamolog.
Annars: Jobbar som babysimsinstruktör, ledsagare, festar, e i stallet hos pållen, sitter och rögar på balkongen, lever livet fett med najs.
Favoritord: Najs, Tjingtjing, fett, palla mm.
Vill just nu: Bara leva livet
Vill ha: en vattenpipa... plus lite mer pengar!
Image position

How to make a nice presentation
Choose photo
Choose one of your photos, preferably one depicting yourself or that describes you. Adjust the image position with the tools in the next step. If you want to change to photo for another one, use the image icon in the bottom left corner.

Write a text
What is interesting to know about you? To change to style of the text, click the text icon in the bottom left corner. If you change the color and the text is hard to read you can give it a put a white faded background.