Tuesday 23 September 2008 photo 1/2
Jag är så het att jag kan vara orsaken till växthuseffekten :P
Så här en tisdag kväll i ensamheten är det ok att pepptalka sig själv :P hehe!!!
Har varit duktig flicka å simmat även denna dagen :) Å dessutom gjort pappa glad genom att tvätta kylskåpet lr vad man nu ska säga :) Har haft en trevlig kväll me mina knasiga syskon med, en bakgalen bror och en förkyld syster...
I was sitting by myself alone
And you know that in my room I dont have a phone
There was a knock on my door, but Im not sure
It was him, the boy who treasures me
He said I love you, do you love me?
I cant recall if I answered at all
He sat down on my bed treacherous ground
His face turned red and didnt make a sound
He looked at me like a dog that wanted food
I thought to myself I dont have a bone
But neither of us should have to feel so alone
I was careful not to say anything rude
I didnt know if to kiss him
Or if I preferred to miss him
"This is just like some movie from before", he said
And he was on a loves train
But I was in an aeroplane
All we could do was to wave to one another
I was sitting by myself alone
And you know that in my room I dont have a phone
There was a knock on my door, but Im not sure
It was him, the boy who treasures me
He said I love you, do you love me?
I cant recall if I answered at all
He sat down on my bed treacherous ground
His face turned red and didnt make a sound
He looked at me like a dog that wanted food
I thought to myself I dont have a bone
But neither of us should have to feel so alone
I was careful not to say anything rude
I didnt know if to kiss him
Or if I preferred to miss him
"This is just like some movie from before", he said
And he was on a loves train
But I was in an aeroplane
All we could do was to wave to one another
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hah.. :P
okej , förslåt jag ska faktiskt sluta märka ord .. :O
men fan vad snygg du e julia:D !
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