Tuesday 8 July 2008 photo 1/2
why why why why why why why why
I can feel it... again... it is back... the fucking fire in my head is back... it hate it! it hates me! I hate me!
I can feel it... again... it is back... the fucking fire in my head is back... it hate it! it hates me! I hate me!
Comment the photo
Thu 10 Jul 2008 17:47
:O men... nej.. så får det inte vara.. :/ jag har oxå känt lite så på sistonde.. :/... ska vi prata om det på söndag? <3
Thu 10 Jul 2008 17:48
tack men jag mår faktiskt bättre :) men jag pratar gärna om det <3
3 comments on this photo