April 2009
Det handlar om att se förbi problemet, och istället söka efter den estetiskt burna skönhet som ligger bakom alla företeelser.
Why Power ballads are the best sort of ballads p.1 Lou Gramm wants to know what love is, he also wants to feel what love is. Finally, Lou Gramm wants YOU to show him what love is. Lou Gramm, L
"Give me your lips for just a moment And my imagination will make that moment live Give me what you alone can give A kiss to build a dream on"
"En person som har tagit amfetamin har stora och stela pupiller, pratar mycket, rör sig fladdrigt, har okontrollerade muskelryckningar, gör grimaser och är allmänt rastlös." &
When you're feeling down, just imagine Louis giving you a great big smile and telling you that Everything is going to be allright Also, he is wearing a big hat
"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." — George Bernard Shaw