Wednesday 26 December 2007 photo 3/4
When i see your smile, tears ran down on my face. I cant replace this moment... Now when Im stronger and have figure out. That the worlds getting colder.. And i now I can find deep inside me, I can be the one. I´ll never let you fall, I´ll stand up with you forever. I´ll be there for you trough it all.. Seasons are changing and stars is falling down for us. Days grows longer and night getting shorter. I can show you, I can be the one. Your mine true love, my whole heart. Please dont throw that away.. Couse Im here for you.. Please dont walk away.. Please tell me that you´ll stay! Please dont run away.. Pull my strings and take me with you.. Tell me you´ll stay.. Or my sky will turn grey..
Comment the photo
Thu 10 Jan 2008 23:18
va ni är söta :) men jag har fortfarande inte fått träffa din stora kärlek =/
Thu 10 Jan 2008 23:19
åååhh tack gumman<333 nääää de e konstigt O: men asså jag ska ha en fest nu i januari tror jag ^^ så du ska du o elli komma tycker jag :D
Wed 26 Dec 2007 22:08
im staying forever <3
Wed 26 Dec 2007 21:09
låten <3 sabina <3
Wed 26 Dec 2007 19:41
8 comments on this photo