Sunday 3 October 2010 photo 2/2
I know you won't read this, but I write it anyway.
I wish you would just shut the fuck up sometimes, and with sometimes I means OFTEN!
Couse meanwhile you talks about your "problems" I struggle to not hit you, couse it's all lies!
You are one of those people who just care about youself!
Say one time you have cared more about someone other then youself!
You allways get everything you want, you just have to say "mum" or "dad", then you get it, meanwhile I have to pay it myself.
And if I'm lucky, my mum pays the half prics while I pay the rest...
You are a bitch, you're selfish and a fucking spolied brat!
Couse when you fake problems and pain, I tries to hide my real problems and my real pain.
none's perfect, you just the unperfect human in this fucking world!!
You nag about everything, even things that you just made up!!
What the fuck are going to happen to you after the exam??
Who would EVER wnat to work with YOU!?!?!?
Could you STOP being a bitch??
Couse I don't want to hear more about how "aweful", "misery" or "perfect" your life are!
You're just REDICULOS!!!!
I think it's misery when people do like you!!
I know how you are, and I honesly doesn't like it at all.
Cpuse everytime I am with you, I hear younag on something that isn't worth being naging on, I hear you making strange (AND ANNOYING) sounds just to get the attantion, you says "oh, he, he, he, he..........he, and he is looking at me I'M DYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!"
Can't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP??
And everytime something good happens to you, you're talking about it all the fucking time or just goes like: "oh nooooo... why do everythin like this happen to me, hahahahaha" Can't you stop it??
You says thet being called something you've been called like...five times? Is worse being called more that twenty diffrent things -that I truely hate- more that thousands times!!!
And I've been hit, kicked, stalked, attacked, get the blame on something I haven't done and more than that!!
But noooooooooooooooo, it's nothing against your "Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaain".
I know you will just comment a "<3" instead of something real.
You will never read all this, and if you comment a heart I will write a long text that I hope you gladly read, couse it will be about how much I hate when people write hearts instead of something that would help or instead of read the text writing a heart that says "I didn't read the taxt but I comment <3 so you'll think I've read it all", but I know you haven't read it..
And you probally thinks this is just a random text, but this is just the truth, but in english!!
But Thank you for...
well, I don't want to thank you for anything!!!
I wish you would just shut the fuck up sometimes, and with sometimes I means OFTEN!
Couse meanwhile you talks about your "problems" I struggle to not hit you, couse it's all lies!
You are one of those people who just care about youself!
Say one time you have cared more about someone other then youself!
You allways get everything you want, you just have to say "mum" or "dad", then you get it, meanwhile I have to pay it myself.
And if I'm lucky, my mum pays the half prics while I pay the rest...
You are a bitch, you're selfish and a fucking spolied brat!
Couse when you fake problems and pain, I tries to hide my real problems and my real pain.
none's perfect, you just the unperfect human in this fucking world!!
You nag about everything, even things that you just made up!!
What the fuck are going to happen to you after the exam??
Who would EVER wnat to work with YOU!?!?!?
Could you STOP being a bitch??
Couse I don't want to hear more about how "aweful", "misery" or "perfect" your life are!
You're just REDICULOS!!!!
I think it's misery when people do like you!!
I know how you are, and I honesly doesn't like it at all.
Cpuse everytime I am with you, I hear younag on something that isn't worth being naging on, I hear you making strange (AND ANNOYING) sounds just to get the attantion, you says "oh, he, he, he, he..........he, and he is looking at me I'M DYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!"
Can't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP??
And everytime something good happens to you, you're talking about it all the fucking time or just goes like: "oh nooooo... why do everythin like this happen to me, hahahahaha" Can't you stop it??
You says thet being called something you've been called like...five times? Is worse being called more that twenty diffrent things -that I truely hate- more that thousands times!!!
And I've been hit, kicked, stalked, attacked, get the blame on something I haven't done and more than that!!
But noooooooooooooooo, it's nothing against your "Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaain".
I know you will just comment a "<3" instead of something real.
You will never read all this, and if you comment a heart I will write a long text that I hope you gladly read, couse it will be about how much I hate when people write hearts instead of something that would help or instead of read the text writing a heart that says "I didn't read the taxt but I comment <3 so you'll think I've read it all", but I know you haven't read it..
And you probally thinks this is just a random text, but this is just the truth, but in english!!
But Thank you for...
well, I don't want to thank you for anything!!!
Comment the photo
Mon 4 Oct 2010 17:29
"Och när folk irl försökt att brytt sig så har de allvarligt talat HÄNGT på mig, och jag vill inte att folk ska gå framm till mig och skratta medan de säger "var glad" ochsedan kasta sig över mig och kitla(?) mig."
känner mig smått träffad...
känner mig smått träffad...
Tue 5 Oct 2010 19:34
men detta är någt jag inte kan rensa bort, och jag brukar också skriva av mig, fast i min lilla gröna bok...
Men jag mår inte bättre av att skriva ner detta problem eller sluta täna på det bara för att jag lyssnar på glad musik.
Men jag mår inte bättre av att skriva ner detta problem eller sluta täna på det bara för att jag lyssnar på glad musik.
Tue 5 Oct 2010 19:39
det går skriva av sig när det är någon som sårat en/mobbat en, men detta går verkligen inte, det går knappt att måla hur jag mår (vilket jag började mä i 7:an/när jag lärde mig att måla).
Sun 3 Oct 2010 22:26
Och jag är sååå bra på att skämta när folk är seriösa och inte mår bra.
Mon 4 Oct 2010 22:34
Förlåt >.>
Men alltså vad händer egentligen? Eller du vill väl iförsig inte berätta för randoms >.<
Men alltså vad händer egentligen? Eller du vill väl iförsig inte berätta för randoms >.<
Sun 3 Oct 2010 20:39
ish D: <3
...gissar på att typ mer än 60% kmr ta åt sej av det du skrev ^^'' iaf av de som läste det o.o..
dock har du ganska så mkt lixom..sanning i det ej vem du snackar om men det finns massa sånna pers som beter sig så ...>.> jobbiga e dom..
dock vet jag inte om jag e en av dem men hoppas att jag inte e det iaf o.o D: <3
...gissar på att typ mer än 60% kmr ta åt sej av det du skrev ^^'' iaf av de som läste det o.o..
dock har du ganska så mkt lixom..sanning i det ej vem du snackar om men det finns massa sånna pers som beter sig så ...>.> jobbiga e dom..
dock vet jag inte om jag e en av dem men hoppas att jag inte e det iaf o.o D: <3
Tue 5 Oct 2010 19:37
men försök? asså skjut undan det nu D: asså jag vet att de kommer tillbaka sen igen men liksom försök tänka på annat
Tue 5 Oct 2010 21:37
Det var ju du som skrev åt mig att sluta kolla på dom? ^^ du får kanske komma ihåg vad du skriver, Jag frågade bara vad du menade med den väldigt osammanhängade meningen du skrev förstår du mt, om du läser vad du skrivit och sedan det jag skrev, så hoppas jag du förstår. :) Sen när sa jag att jag inte överdriver, Jag sa att jag inte överdriver mycket, för det är hur jag ser på det, Och det behöver inte stämma med din bild av saken. Men jag kanske får tänka om lite mer och vara mer sannings enliga till vissa personer som har svårt att läsa människor och förstår hur seriösa dom är. ^^
Mon 25 Oct 2010 22:45
Alex har faktis rätt om att folk "hatar" honom xD För både han å jag har sånna personligheter man antingen hatar eller älskar, det är finns inget mittemellan utan är antingen hat eller kärlek där ^^
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