October 2008
I found a little pice of you found a little pice of me but it seems like we just lost it I found a little pice of you you want a little pice of me but it seems like we cant find it
To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham Leading the bury west In their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the convoy Into the hornets nest Under fire under water May 42 when
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SÅ FORT DU SER DEN HÄR BILDEN HAR DU BLIVIT UTMANAD! Du ska göra en southparkgubbe som föreställer dig och sedan lägga upp den här. (sp-studio.de)
yeeeeey. Söndagens Starters har kommit upp :P Jag ska köra starting Wide reciever (offence), Starting Free safety (Defence), starting wing back på punt jippie!!! :P xD
My little tower, seal my fate Help me pay back, end their hate Black oceans beneath come and swallow me One direction, down, down, down Pitch black night for my old town Black oceans beneath shall now
Every day and every night, I always dream that You are by my side Oh, baby, every day And every night, Well I said everything is Gonna be alright And I will fly with you,