Wednesday 16 February 2011 photo 11/11
Satt och läste lite om Coca-Cola var rätt intressant ändå att läsa om. Sen ser jag denna lista första man läser är "Sugerkick in your face" haha skön xD
En stor del av Coca-Colas framgångar beror på marknadsföringen. Under åren har man haft en mängd olika kampanjteman:
2011 - "Sugerkick in your face"
2010 - "Open happiness"
2008 - "Unity on the Coke Side of Life"
2007 - "Live on the Coke Side of Life"
2006 - "The Coke Side of Life"
2003 - "Make It Real"
2002 - "All the world Loves a Coke"
2001 - "Life Tastes Good"
2000 - "Enjoy"
1993 - "Always Coca-Cola"
1989 - "You can't beat the feeling"
1982 - "Coca-Cola is it!"
1979 - "Have a Coke and a smile"
1976 - "Coca-Cola adds life"
1970 - "It's the real thing"
1963 - "Things go better with Coke"
1959 - "Be really refreshed"
1956 - "Coca-Cola makes good things taste better"
1948 - "Where there is Coke there is hospitality"
1938 - "The best friend thirst ever had"
1932 - "Ice cold sunshine"
1929 - "The pause that refreshes"
1927 - "Around the corner from everywhere" och "Pure as sunlight"
1926 - "It had to be good to get where it is"
1925 - "Six Million a Day"
1924 - "Refresh Yourself"
1923 - "Enjoy thirst"
1922 - "Thirst knows no season"
1917 - "Three Million a Day"
1907 - "Good To The Last Drop"
1906 - "The Great National Temperance Beverage"
1905 - "Cola-Cola revives and sustains"
1904 - "Delicious and refreshing"
1886 - "Drink Coca-Cola"
En stor del av Coca-Colas framgångar beror på marknadsföringen. Under åren har man haft en mängd olika kampanjteman:
2011 - "Sugerkick in your face"
2010 - "Open happiness"
2008 - "Unity on the Coke Side of Life"
2007 - "Live on the Coke Side of Life"
2006 - "The Coke Side of Life"
2003 - "Make It Real"
2002 - "All the world Loves a Coke"
2001 - "Life Tastes Good"
2000 - "Enjoy"
1993 - "Always Coca-Cola"
1989 - "You can't beat the feeling"
1982 - "Coca-Cola is it!"
1979 - "Have a Coke and a smile"
1976 - "Coca-Cola adds life"
1970 - "It's the real thing"
1963 - "Things go better with Coke"
1959 - "Be really refreshed"
1956 - "Coca-Cola makes good things taste better"
1948 - "Where there is Coke there is hospitality"
1938 - "The best friend thirst ever had"
1932 - "Ice cold sunshine"
1929 - "The pause that refreshes"
1927 - "Around the corner from everywhere" och "Pure as sunlight"
1926 - "It had to be good to get where it is"
1925 - "Six Million a Day"
1924 - "Refresh Yourself"
1923 - "Enjoy thirst"
1922 - "Thirst knows no season"
1917 - "Three Million a Day"
1907 - "Good To The Last Drop"
1906 - "The Great National Temperance Beverage"
1905 - "Cola-Cola revives and sustains"
1904 - "Delicious and refreshing"
1886 - "Drink Coca-Cola"