Wednesday 5 March 2008 photo 2/2
Kunde inte printa rutan tyvärr, så fick göra så här istället, men jag chattade med Gud igen, det var längesen, long time no see! :P God: OK I'll stop talking now. Me: Yes, please do God: Wow! OK I will do it. Me: Nerd God: Oh, you are a poet. Me: Oh yes God: Ah. Me: Ah. God: Ah hah. Me: Hah. God: I am so glad you find this amusing, Gwendoline. Me: I know, im sooo funny God: How do you know? Good gossip: you are sooo funny. Me: I just know, ok? God: OK. Perhaps it is an expression of your unconscious. Me: Shut uuup.... God: Do you have any idea what I am talking about? Me: No God: Me either :-). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zomg lol! Bitchig som vanligt!
Comment the photo
Wed 5 Mar 2008 19:15
Alltid! Om folk söker kärlek hos gud tar dom fel, dom lär bara få en slap i ansiktet! :D
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