Monday 3 March 2008 photo 1/2
Don't be fooled, the Tough Guy competition is tough! So if you are mad keen to try this challenging event you'll need to be in good physical condition, and be prepared to receive some bruises, cuts and infections. You'll also need to accept the fact that you'll run a risk of a serious injury or death (yes really, some guy died during the event a few years back). Ngn som vill göra loppet med mig?
Comment the photo
Tue 4 Mar 2008 22:00
Beror på om du vill springa sommar eller vinter :) vinter är mer utmaning, så i slutet på januari nästa år :D:D
Mon 3 Mar 2008 20:47
haha, vad är dt för något?:O x)
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