Tuesday 24 July 2012 photo 5/5
Justin have tweet:
''should we show a minute snip of #ALAYLM short film on America's got talent this wed then release the video friday or next monday? should we?''
''and yes Michael Madsen is in the #AsLongAsYouLoveMe short film''
''and start getting ready...the #AsLongAsYouLoveMeVideo is coming very very soon! and yes.. Michael Madsen is in it! #BELIEVE that ''
Are you ready for #ALAYLM video?
''should we show a minute snip of #ALAYLM short film on America's got talent this wed then release the video friday or next monday? should we?''
''and yes Michael Madsen is in the #AsLongAsYouLoveMe short film''
''and start getting ready...the #AsLongAsYouLoveMeVideo is coming very very soon! and yes.. Michael Madsen is in it! #BELIEVE that ''
Tue 24 Jul 2012 21:40
JAAAAAAAAAAA OMFB HDHDÖPFDVSFC . Dead orkar i te vänta mer !! <3
Mrs. Bieber
Wed 25 Jul 2012 12:16
Eftersom jag gör det alltid så ska jag göra det dom här gångerna oxå <3
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