Friday 15 January 2010 photo 1/1
4th block; drama.
14.21 we hear Coach Stewart say through the intercom "Everybody needs to go into lockdown NOW!" All of us starts looking at one another saying that we didn't know we had a drill today... Then we hear him again "This is not a drill, this is not a drill!"
Mr. Willis turns the light off and everyone moves to a corner, so he whole class is like in a pile far away from the door and window. Everyone starts taking their phones out to talk to someone from the outside to figure out what's happening. A kid had a gun in school. The police was there, they were trying to catch the guy and everything, but we were to stay in our corner. I was right between the wall, piano, Sami, Ryan and Aron, so I felt pretty safe. We were in lockdown for like 50 min, y'all. It was pretty funny but we were all trying to figure out what the hell was going on. It turned out that a senior had the gun and several people had him in their homeroom... It was a mess. A funny mess! No one got hurt, which was really good, so it wasn't so bad. :D
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