Tuesday 13 May 2014 photo 1/2
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Name: Lanjelin
Age: Says he’s 22
Length: 185cm
Race: Human
Usually wears/Looks like: Usually he just wears a pair of either black or white trousers and a matching shirt. He doesn't like it fancy and is quite comfortable with having simple clothes. Though he never goes anywhere without his vintage razor that he once got from his brother.
Likes: Blood, tea, reading
Dislikes: Pathetic people (i.e people who pay for sex, drug users, people that give up, etc), dogs
Job/School: None. He drifts around just doing what he feel like. Though not everything he does is legal
Home: Lives in an abandoned apartment building.
Personality: He’s easygoing and carefree most of the time and smiles quite a lot. The smile he supports is usually quite mischievous, but sometimes he can look really innocent and that in turn makes him look much younger than he is. He is really stubborn and it’s rare that he gives in. And if he does he usually gets even later on. He’s rather intelligent but doesn’t show it off to often, but he’s a quick study and good at judging a situation. No one has ever seen him mad so he has quite an even temper.
Background: He doesn’t like to say where he comes from, but he has an accent from somewhere. When people ask where his accent is from he usually just replies with “It comes from the elves I grew up with~" then he gives them a playful smile so no one really knows if he’s serious or not.
He doesn’t like to talk about his family in any way but he grew up with his brother (parents have never been mentioned). Though his brother died some years back and since then Lanjelin has been on his own and got by rather well really. He’s never really been short of anything and he enjoys the apartment building where he lives. Having lived on his own for so long has also taught him not to depend too much on others.
From time to time he can hook up with men – usually married men looking for a good time. He gets the money up front for it all. Then while he’s giving them a blowjob he proceeds to use his razor and castrate them. As he does he always looks up at them with innocent eyes and a smirk on his lips. The reason he’s never been caught is that he targets married “straight" guys who never dares to press charges. He’s lost count on all the guys that he’s done this too in his days.
Others: He has a small tattoo on his left collarbone
Comment the photo

Thu 15 May 2014 12:30
Haha xD Can't wait for them to meet. Lanjelin is getting bored xD

Thu 15 May 2014 22:25
Haha xD don't rush too much. You can take your time. He just isn't the most patient guy xD

Thu 15 May 2014 23:48
Neither is Ryuzeen.. But now he's up! *phew, whipes sweat of forhead after the hard work*
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