Monday 14 July 2014 photo 1/1
Annoyed! Very much annoyed! My wig arrived on Friday when I was at work amd I have been unable to collect it so I booked for a redelivery for today at my local post office. And the fuckers who deliver have tried to deliver it to my house again when I specifically asked to have it to the post office! So I had to call them, launch a complaint and then book another redelivery to the postoffice! If they fuck that up on Wednesday I'll be even more annoyed...probably a bit pissed yoo. *sigh* stupid postal service...
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the unwanted boy
Mon 14 Jul 2014 17:05
they are like..i don't know what to call them but they shouldn't get paid....
Mon 14 Jul 2014 17:06
I don't know what to call them either...but I agree with you. Sometimes they really suck at delivering things...
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