Friday 24 October 2014 photo 4/7
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Name: Takuma
Age: 17
Length: 179cm
Usually wears/Looks like: He likes to wear clothes that are at least one size too big, especially when it comes to shirts. He can get slightly claustrophobic if he wears snug fitting clothes, thus the large sizes. But usually it's a pair of jeans, a large shirt or sweater and a pair of sneakers.
Likes: music, reading, lightning, milk (he almost always drinks it)
Dislikes: animals (except for birds), closed in spaces (suffers from claustrophobia), illogical arguments
Job/School: Goes his first year in collage where he studies literature and architecture
Home: He lives with his mother, stepdad and stepsister in a nice house. His own room is rather big and very clean. In a bookcase by the bed he keeps all of the models he's built, both bought ones and ones he's designed himself.
Personality: he's very quiet and observant. He doesn't really like people so he tend to stay away from them if he can. He's very smart and has always been one of the best in everything he does, except when it comes to sport. He's a bit of a neat freak, and it got worse after his dad left, so now it's bordering to an obsession. It comes from the fact that he doesn't like change and sometimes has troubles in handling when things happens outside of his control. he's very even tempered and usually doesn't get more than upset. It takes a lot to push him over the edge to anger, but if he does become angry he explodes and has been known to break things as well as bones when that happens.
Background: He's an only child and grew up with his mom and dad in the suburbs. He was very quiet when he was little and he didn't start to speak until he was almost three. His parents had by then almost given up that he would ever learn to speak and figured he must be mute. so they got really happy whenever he spoke even if it wasn't that often.
His mom owns a company in the city and his dad works in an IT department, so both of his parents are very productive and intelligent, which is something Takuma has inherited.
Growing up Takuma had a very close relationship with his dad, and as he had few friends he spent a lot of time either reading or with his dad working on computers or building things.
In school he was the loner and always did good in close to anything he did. It was a loneliness he chose himself as he just couldn't stand his classmates.
even though he spent a lot of time at home growing up he never saw how his parents drifted apart. and one day it got out that his mom had an affair. Takuma got furious and in a fit of rage he destroyed most of his room and broke his hands as he hit the wall so many times. That night his dad took him to the hospital and stayed there with him as Takuma got his hands fixed and got sedatives to stay calm. He remembers how his dad hugged him close and said that everything would be okay somehow, and Takuma fell asleep in his arms. though when he woke up the next morning his dad was gone and there was a letter explaining that he'd left town for now to find a new job, and once he had one then he would send for Takuma to come and stay with him. But his dad never got back to him, cause on his way to another town he was in an accident and passed away, too damaged for anyone to identify him and without papers no one knows it was him, so Takuma thinks that his dad abandoned him and that his last words to him was a lie. so now he lives with his mom, whom he despise for what she did as he blames her for his dad leaving, and in the house there's also the man she had an affair with, whom he hates just as much. the only one he likes is the stepsister he got as the man had kids from a previous relationship.
when he's at home now he rarely speaks with anyone besides the sister and he stays away from his mom and stepdad the best he can. so he's more or less buried himself in books and studies doing what he loves the most, building