Monday 19 May 2014 photo 2/3
Visual novel,
Full-voice, +18
Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Det här är nog det mest konstigaste novel spelet jag läst.. har dock inte kört det så länge men fattar inte mycket av vad som händer. Folk säger dock att man ska hålla ut för att de blir bra sen!
Det är i alla fall en massa klassiska sagor inbakad i berättelsen, vilket jag gillar. tycker om när de är referenser till sånt man läst innan ^^
""I am Alice. Do let me hear a story."
Here and there - in the space between buildings, in back alleys, perhaps even in the underground - the Forest bleeds into our world. The Forest is a forbidden place where the rules of our world do not apply.
Our heroes must struggle against the Forest, without so much as the hope of assistance or understanding from the outside world.
They do battle against the "riddles" the Forest imposes upon them with the aid of superhuman abilities known as "gifts."
And should they know defeat in their battle against the Forest, they will face that which they fear most - expulsion from Shinjuku."
Fantasy, Magic, Comedy,
Madness, Surreal, Mind Screw,
Romance, Lolicon
Full-voice, +18
Det är i alla fall en massa klassiska sagor inbakad i berättelsen, vilket jag gillar. tycker om när de är referenser till sånt man läst innan ^^
""I am Alice. Do let me hear a story."
Here and there - in the space between buildings, in back alleys, perhaps even in the underground - the Forest bleeds into our world. The Forest is a forbidden place where the rules of our world do not apply.
Our heroes must struggle against the Forest, without so much as the hope of assistance or understanding from the outside world.
They do battle against the "riddles" the Forest imposes upon them with the aid of superhuman abilities known as "gifts."
And should they know defeat in their battle against the Forest, they will face that which they fear most - expulsion from Shinjuku."
Fantasy, Magic, Comedy,
Romance, Lolicon