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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
A view of the Arizonan wilderness from the highway
A random picture off my balcony
A view from Gold Camp Road
Some deer in the middle of town
It was cold
A twisty mountain road that offers a decent view of the city and surrounding area
The Canyon
2km deep, and as wide as the eye can see
Another view of the Canyon
Clouds over the canyon
Looks weird doesn't it?
A Puebloan "palace". Many families lived there once, in the shelter of the cliffside. They would actually climb up and down the rock walls on a daily basis to get to the hunting grounds above.
A shot of the great Pikes Peak
It was a shame the weather wasn't better. But at least the rain added an interesting effect to the picture
Some random ravine
Like a painting
What was I doing?
The Great Sand Dunes and the Sangre de Christo mountains
They're 100's of feet high
This guy probably expected us to give him something
"I shun you filthy humans for not giving me any nuts"