February 2008
They may cut your dick in half
and serve it to a pig.
And though it hurts, you'll laugh
and you'll dance a dickless jig
But that's the way it goes. In
war, you're shat upon!
Though you die..
I Said, "Come over here my honey, And I'm going to take off my pants,"
"And I'm going to make dirty love to you!"
Cuz that's what Brian Boitano'd do!
Dedicated to Petra (du vet vem du är)
säger bara..... ICH DON'T THINK SO!
om ni inte fattar är det okej
fattar ni är ni fan sjuka i huvet.
okej, denna killen har nog den fetaste rösten ever! FÖR DET ÄR HAN SOM SPELAR GREGORY I SOUTH PARK FILMEN!!!!!!
So I suppose that it gets to a point
Where feelings got to get hurt
And get dirty with the people spreading the dirt
(bild från istheshit, respekt till den som målat den)
It's colder than before
The seasons took all they had come for
Now winter dances here
It seems so fitting don't you think
To d