Tuesday 18 December 2012 photo 7/7
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Instagram backpedals, I mean, responds.
lol det gjorde det inte jättemycket klarare, men pfffffffffft snacka om att bli rädda för folks reaktioner och påstå att VI var förvirrade?? HAHA :| Dessutom tror jag inte att de kommer att ändra på reglerna, utan skriva de på ett sånt sätt att det ser bra ut. I wouldn't expect less from something owned by Facebook.
<em style="font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: bold; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;"><em style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><em style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><strong style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><em style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-weight: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">
Instagram backpedals, I mean, responds.
lol det gjorde det inte jättemycket klarare, men pfffffffffft snacka om att bli rädda för folks reaktioner och påstå att VI var förvirrade?? HAHA :| Dessutom tror jag inte att de kommer att ändra på reglerna, utan skriva de på ett sånt sätt att det ser bra ut. I wouldn't expect less from something owned by Facebook.
Comment the photo
Wed 19 Dec 2012 09:36
Man kan ju trots allt sätta en Stor fet vatten stämpel på sina bilder så minskar risken över att de just kommer använda de bilderna med tanke på att det inte ser vidare bra ut.
För övrigt förstår jag inte varför folk reagerar så hårt när det redan är så med bilder man lägger ut via datorn på Facebook :/ men men
Vattenstämpel folket :3
För övrigt förstår jag inte varför folk reagerar så hårt när det redan är så med bilder man lägger ut via datorn på Facebook :/ men men
Vattenstämpel folket :3

The Resin Guild
Wed 19 Dec 2012 15:17
Lite svårt att sätta en vattenstämpel över en bild som man just tagit och laddat upp via deras kamera XD Men ja.

Wed 19 Dec 2012 15:21
ahh >o< jo iof .. jag laddar alltid upp det via kamerarullen/bildmappen så det är ju annat då =/
Wed 19 Dec 2012 09:03
det ser ju iaf bättre ut nu... men alltså jaa... hehe. så länge det står att jag äger mina bilder. :) ett alternativ kan ju vara att ha en privat profil.
Wed 19 Dec 2012 00:24
"Ownership Rights Instagram users own their content and Instagram does not claim any ownership rights over your photos. Nothing about this has changed. We respect that there are creative artists and hobbyists alike that pour their heart into creating beautiful photos, and we respect that your photos are your photos. Period.
I always want you to feel comfortable sharing your photos on Instagram and we will always work hard to foster and respect our community and go out of our way to support its rights."
jaha, så det är därför ni vill sälja foton till andra utan tillåtelse? hur var det med privacyn?
I always want you to feel comfortable sharing your photos on Instagram and we will always work hard to foster and respect our community and go out of our way to support its rights."
jaha, så det är därför ni vill sälja foton till andra utan tillåtelse? hur var det med privacyn?

The Resin Guild
Wed 19 Dec 2012 00:34
yes. :|
“Our intention in updating the terms was to communicate that we’d like to experiment with innovative advertising that feels appropriate on Instagram.
***Instead it was interpreted by many that we were going to sell your photos to others without any compensation.”'*** - Kevin Systrom
But, did it not say in the revised Instagram TOS yesterday this:
”Some or all of the Service may be supported by advertising revenue. To help us deliver interesting paid or sponsored content or promotions, ***you agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos*** (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, ***without any compensation to you.”*** - Rights: #2 - from Instagram’s blog (18 Dec 2012)
It seems pretty clear that Instagram is making a grab for its user community’s photographs and disregarding privacy rights.
Neither professional nor amateur photographers in the Instagram community, or in any other photo-sharing community, should agree to such a blanket claim. If ever Instagram and other photo-sharing communities should give its user communities the option to join them in ‘commercial’ arrangement, AND the option to OPT OUT of any such commercial arrangement while preserving those user’s privacy concerns.
“Our intention in updating the terms was to communicate that we’d like to experiment with innovative advertising that feels appropriate on Instagram.
***Instead it was interpreted by many that we were going to sell your photos to others without any compensation.”'*** - Kevin Systrom
But, did it not say in the revised Instagram TOS yesterday this:
”Some or all of the Service may be supported by advertising revenue. To help us deliver interesting paid or sponsored content or promotions, ***you agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos*** (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, ***without any compensation to you.”*** - Rights: #2 - from Instagram’s blog (18 Dec 2012)
It seems pretty clear that Instagram is making a grab for its user community’s photographs and disregarding privacy rights.
Neither professional nor amateur photographers in the Instagram community, or in any other photo-sharing community, should agree to such a blanket claim. If ever Instagram and other photo-sharing communities should give its user communities the option to join them in ‘commercial’ arrangement, AND the option to OPT OUT of any such commercial arrangement while preserving those user’s privacy concerns.

The Resin Guild
Wed 19 Dec 2012 00:38
Dom blev rädda :'D Men man får ju hoppas att de HÅLLER sig till sina egna omskrivningar då.
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