Tuesday 28 April 2009 photo 1/1
"When I first started to write the songs for what would be this album, “Dominator”, I was unhappy and disturbed about America’s place in the world. Like most Americans after September 11th, I wanted to see the men that plotted and planned those attacks hunted down like the savage animals they are.
I still do
When the war in Iraq started, it seemed as if that “hunt” would take place and justice would be served. As the war progressed, day after day, it was becoming obvious that we had been sold the greatest pack of lies since the days of Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon.
These lies continue.
Pete said “I get on my knees and pray, we don’t get fooled again”. Well, we got fooled… again!
I watched the way the US was talking down to other countries. That is to say, addressing smaller, less powerful countries with little to no respect. When I saw the exchange with George W. Bush and Britain’s Tony Blair I was stunned at Bush’s arrogance. We had all seen it before, but telling another world leader, while cameras are filming, to “go down there and tell them I said to knock that shit off” (referring to the Middle East), left my jaw hanging open. Bush using Blair like some sort of “errand boy” and this is America’s greatest ally. So we can only imagine what was going on with the other so called allies.
The more I thought about it, I realized that bigger countries abuse smaller countries similar to the way men do to women. Men abuse women, disrespect them and treat them like shit. Why?… because they can. In effect, a smaller country is treated by a more powerful country just like an abusive man-woman relationship, making them “their bitch”.
Upon first listening, or reading of these lyrics, one might think that it is written from the point of view of a man talking to a woman. In reality, it is a bigger, more powerful country talking to a weaker one. At the same time denying its own people, when the people need them the most.
For me this concept was interesting, but saddening at the same time.
“Dominator” is largely a view of American Imperialism and the “Bully” tactics it uses and enforces.
I hate bullies!
The last six years in America has been an unbelievable ride. After September 11th I was never more proud to be an American. After going to New Orleans and seeing the devastation and abandonment of that great city by its own Federal Government I was never more ashamed to be an American.
The fundamental organizing principle by any Government is its ability to make war against and controlling its own people. We have seen that this American administration uses it not to benefit its own people in their moment of need and despair, but to abuse its power to “Dominate” the lesser countries of the world.
“I’ll make you cry for mercy, I’ll make you cry out loud”
I once wrote “I love my country, but I’m scared to death of its Government”.
Nothing I have ever written is more true!.
// Steven Edward Duren AKA Blackie Lawless Singer and Songwriter in W.A.S.P.
I still do
When the war in Iraq started, it seemed as if that “hunt” would take place and justice would be served. As the war progressed, day after day, it was becoming obvious that we had been sold the greatest pack of lies since the days of Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon.
These lies continue.
Pete said “I get on my knees and pray, we don’t get fooled again”. Well, we got fooled… again!
I watched the way the US was talking down to other countries. That is to say, addressing smaller, less powerful countries with little to no respect. When I saw the exchange with George W. Bush and Britain’s Tony Blair I was stunned at Bush’s arrogance. We had all seen it before, but telling another world leader, while cameras are filming, to “go down there and tell them I said to knock that shit off” (referring to the Middle East), left my jaw hanging open. Bush using Blair like some sort of “errand boy” and this is America’s greatest ally. So we can only imagine what was going on with the other so called allies.
The more I thought about it, I realized that bigger countries abuse smaller countries similar to the way men do to women. Men abuse women, disrespect them and treat them like shit. Why?… because they can. In effect, a smaller country is treated by a more powerful country just like an abusive man-woman relationship, making them “their bitch”.
Upon first listening, or reading of these lyrics, one might think that it is written from the point of view of a man talking to a woman. In reality, it is a bigger, more powerful country talking to a weaker one. At the same time denying its own people, when the people need them the most.
For me this concept was interesting, but saddening at the same time.
“Dominator” is largely a view of American Imperialism and the “Bully” tactics it uses and enforces.
I hate bullies!
The last six years in America has been an unbelievable ride. After September 11th I was never more proud to be an American. After going to New Orleans and seeing the devastation and abandonment of that great city by its own Federal Government I was never more ashamed to be an American.
The fundamental organizing principle by any Government is its ability to make war against and controlling its own people. We have seen that this American administration uses it not to benefit its own people in their moment of need and despair, but to abuse its power to “Dominate” the lesser countries of the world.
“I’ll make you cry for mercy, I’ll make you cry out loud”
I once wrote “I love my country, but I’m scared to death of its Government”.
Nothing I have ever written is more true!.
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