Monday 12 February 2007 photo 2/2
I think that tonight I will sneak into your house and I'll sing songs and wake you up. And I'll take you blindfolded dancing onto bridges. And you'll say you don't to be with me, 'cause no one ever does and no one ever thinks of me that way. But I will even drive you home if you never let me forget about you And if you promise me that I'm good enough for someone 'cause I've got to be good enough for you. (!) ...and someday soon I'll get it right and then you'll see just how good I can be.
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Thu 1 Mar 2007 07:04
Btw; Är det inte Chris Conley låt?
Thu 1 Mar 2007 07:05
hehe, du läste längre ner ;) Nej, det är han som är upphovsman men han har aldrig spelat den helt själv. Vilka spelar han med? ;)
Mon 12 Feb 2007 15:41
Nej, skrivet av Chris Conley men beskriver lite hur jag känner just nu. Supervackert. Låten heter som bilden; Blindfolded
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