May 2008
Är ett Troll Metal band som sjunger på deras egena språk; Troll språket som är en korsning mellan Norska och Tyska! Bilden ska föreställa Covern för albumet:
Utmarschen lyrikerna:Reis dich opp, opp undt stå, du sollst ut, ut å gå Es ist tid für ein heisatur undt alle sollst bli med Kom sich opp, uten stopp, spis litt sopp, gjø
Helvetes Hunden GARM lyrikerna:Viele mennesker, steht i fryktfor Trollenes neue kjäledyr.Helvetes hunden GARM hast komt nu,Ist er sulten pä kristi blod.Ruvende stor über Skog undt Mark,
Egen Mjød, Heidunder Mjød!:Nå hat wir kommen heimat, men det var ein gøy turAlle fikk litt sjø luft på seg..Brakebein fikk keine mjød, aber er fant tonne
För ni som int vet va en Khajiit e för någe kan ja sammanfatta det att: de e ett katt-folk! ^^ de är min favorit ras i Elder Scrolls spelen!! (ja vill bara notera att ni som,
Original text: Little is known and less is understood about the reptilian denizens of Black Marsh. Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians experts in guerilla warfare, and their
Original text: Passionate and eccentric, poetic and flamboyant, intelligent and willful, the Bretons feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic and the supernatura
Original Text: Dark Elves are the dark-skinned Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire. "Dark" is variously understood to mean "dark-skinned," "gloomy," and "ill-favored by fate." The Dunmer and their nat
Original Text: In Imperial speech, the haughty, tall, golden-skinned peoples of Summerset Isle are called "High Elves," but they call themselves the "Altmer," or the "Cultured People." In the Empire,
Original Text:
Natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil, the Imperials are well-educated and well-spoken. Imperials are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen
Original Text: Khajiit hail from the province of Elsweyr and can vary in appearance from nearly Elven to the cathay-raht "jaguar men" to the great Senche-Tiger. The most common breed found in Morrowin
Original Text: The citizens of Skyrim are a tall and fair-haired people, aggressive and fearless in war, industrious and enterprising in trade and exploration. Skilled sailors, Nords can be found in s
Original Text: These sophisticated barbarian beast peoples of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains are noted for their unshakeable courage in war and their unflinching endurance of hardships. In t