Wednesday 10 September 2008 photo 1/2
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"A second Satanic symbol appears above the Nine Satanic Statements in LaVey's book: The Satanic Bible, page 25. It is an infinity sign (a figure 8 on its side). A shortened Lorraine Cross is placed on top. [A Lorraine cross is a Roman ' † ' cross, with a second, longer cross piece added below the main cross piece.] This is an ancient symbol which alchemists -- many of whom were Satanists -- used to represent brimstone. 2 Brimstone is the element sulfur, and was long associated with Satan by the Christian church. LaVey might have adopted a brimstone symbol as a humorous gesture to poke fun at Christianity."

Men du har bytt namn woot woot! :O :O :O
Fan va du byter namn 24/7 xD
DOck mycket fyndiga namn <3

Haha, jag har bytt 2 gånger men det här gillar jag ;D<3

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