Saturday 28 July 2012 photo 14/17
Närcon 2012
Stormtroopers are humans to!
Fotade en hel del härligt folk under dagen, här är lite av dom skönaste bilderna och lite på dom häftigaste cosplayarna :D
Bevaka gärna :D
Nikon D80 f/1.8 50 mm
Camera info
Camera NIKON D80
Focal length 50 mm
Aperture f/2.8
Shutter 1/250 s
ISO 1000
Comment the photo
Cronoline Carosell
Sun 29 Jul 2012 15:37
från början är de ju kloner, efter Jango Fett, men de anställde både humanoider och icke humanoider, så ja detta kanske må vara en människa ;3
Men jag tror han är en klon. faktiskt.
Även om mandalorans är humanoider så skulle jag nog inte kalla dem människor..
från början är de ju kloner, efter Jango Fett, men de anställde både humanoider och icke humanoider, så ja detta kanske må vara en människa ;3
Men jag tror han är en klon. faktiskt.
Även om mandalorans är humanoider så skulle jag nog inte kalla dem människor..
Sun 29 Jul 2012 15:47
Haha awsome :D (skäms lite) har inte kollat på starwars på flera år :O
Sun 29 Jul 2012 15:49
Jag funderar dock på att dra ett starwars/ lotr maraton nån dag snart :P
Thu 9 Aug 2012 15:43
"Imperial Stormtroopers and Republic Clone Troopers are NOT the same. The Clone Troopers were all variations of the same person, Jango Fett. When they were "made" the Clones had two things added to their DNA. Order 66 was one of them. It was basically "hardwired" into their DNA that when they were told to execute Order 66 it caused them to see all Jedi as the enemy.
The other thing was a shortened life span. The clones only had a life span of 15 to 20 years. How was Boba Fett still alive if the clones had a shortened life span ... glad you asked ... because if you remember Boba was a "unaltered" clone. That means he didn't have those two things added to his DNA so he would live a normal life span.
Stormtroopers were recruited, volunteers, and conscripts from various worlds in the galaxy. There were a few clones still alive at the time of the OT movies but most had died either in battle or of their DNA shortened life span."
The other thing was a shortened life span. The clones only had a life span of 15 to 20 years. How was Boba Fett still alive if the clones had a shortened life span ... glad you asked ... because if you remember Boba was a "unaltered" clone. That means he didn't have those two things added to his DNA so he would live a normal life span.
Stormtroopers were recruited, volunteers, and conscripts from various worlds in the galaxy. There were a few clones still alive at the time of the OT movies but most had died either in battle or of their DNA shortened life span."
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