Saturday 13 June 2009 photo 1/1
On the top of satisfaction
Yves Saint Laurent shades in the darkness
summer attraction pounding in my vains
time does not exist
High on life, in love with me
dancing in the night, dancing through the days
Living for music, living in a dance
music for life, those dancing days
(Imorgon ska jag så temynta och sätta blommor i krukor. De blir fint.)
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Yves Saint Laurent shades in the darkness
summer attraction pounding in my vains
time does not exist
High on life, in love with me
dancing in the night, dancing through the days
Living for music, living in a dance
music for life, those dancing days
(Imorgon ska jag så temynta och sätta blommor i krukor. De blir fint.)
Comment the photo
Sun 14 Jun 2009 00:39
härlig bild!
Sun 14 Jun 2009 00:40
hahaha aa :D<br />
Synd bara att jag gör mitt snyggaste ansikte ;p
Synd bara att jag gör mitt snyggaste ansikte ;p
2 comments on this photo