Tuesday 27 May 2008 photo 4/4
JAG KAN INTE HJÄLPA ATT HIPHOP/RAP HAR ÄNDRAT MIG TOTALT! Bara att acceptera det ! jag är som jag är ! deal with it fuckers !
An angry teenager, nothin can change me back
Gangsta rap made me act like a maniac
I was boostin, so influenced by music I used it
as an excuse to do shit, ooh I was stupid
No one can tell me nothin hip-hop overwhelmed me
to the point where it had me in a whole 'nother realm
Motherfuckers know that i never be robin again !
An angry teenager, nothin can change me back
Gangsta rap made me act like a maniac
I was boostin, so influenced by music I used it
as an excuse to do shit, ooh I was stupid
No one can tell me nothin hip-hop overwhelmed me
to the point where it had me in a whole 'nother realm
Motherfuckers know that i never be robin again !