Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
I am braindead! Wiskey and clowns is a big NO for me right now, din jevla garderoobsfjålle!
The truth of disney!
The truth of disney!
The truth of disney!
And for some weird reson! The truth of Pokémon... :S
I've got complains from people that they don't understand a shit on Swedish so im gonna be a sweet loving boy and write in Enlish because everyone can understand it!:D Didn't have a good picture and
And thats the reason why i don't like The Joker from Batman!. Cause he's a fucking copy of BeetleJuice!!:D Btw Beetlejuice is AWESOME!!!:D:D:D:D And soon i will upload new pictures on me and not
Det är 22+ ute.. YAY!!!:D:D:D:D:D Ok, my day has been awesome accept that it dripped water from the ceiling on the bus so i had to tell everyone that they couldn't sit on the seat next to me cause it
I yast saw Where The Wild Things Are. Yes my eyes was like the Niagra falls what ever!;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXflb9kF4RI
10 days to Orminge Karneval. Do anyone know wich bands that are gonna be on the stage? And i think we should bring a coutch this year to!:D
I hate Hitler.. When i lok at his mark i don't see a nazi sign, i see a awesome mark that i want to do things with when i paint! But because of him. It feels like i cant:(
Some people yast got it in their blood! AND THAT SHIT IS FUCKED UP!!! It takes like a week untill your clean again!
How can humanity create something beautiful from something horrible?
If you have a trubble with it. Complain! But on the other hand you never do anything.
Yes, i am a gamer! Right now im infront of a home-cinema and im going to play a seriously huge amount of bad company 2! If you have further questions please ask them now or piss of! Gamer = geek = AWE
My internet is AFK so i wonät be able to do anything at home on my computer.. SUCKS!!:(
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zHVW7Zy_vg Don't ignore the song because its AWESOME! But i've come up with a new idea on a figure to paint.. I'll soon put it up and you could tell me what you think
I will call them... Easy made.
I know, i suck at taking pictures on myself.. But on the other hand WOHOOOO!! I AM NOT EGOSEXUELL AS YOU FUCKTARDS!!!! Mehehehehe (6)
Ok! We found a couch.. Again....
What you aint know won't hurt you. That's why i don't know anything. That's why i am unbeatable. THATS! Why im unbeatable.
People who aint me should not pretend to be.
http://www.agodamongmen.com/ David Hasselhoff A god among men and if you tough you knew Chuck Norris where awesome, you don't know much!