Sunday 18 October 2009 photo 1/1
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You, man yeah you!
You made all my fucking dreams come true!
The beautiful sight of you walking into a room.
I know the sight of you can save me from my doom.
Hope fills my heart, i burst in tears.
As you walk in, im releaved of my fears.
I can count on you, cuz you are always there for me.
There is no other way there can fucking be, you see?
That i get so fucking happy when your smile breaks me free.
Im your boy, you are my boy, we are inseperable.
Were bros, and together we are fucking invoulnerable.
With a single look we can just laugh to death.
Because or humour is fucking awesome, PERIOD DONT NEED A RHYME!
We stay tuned for the each others answers,
and a week seperated is like a fucking life time of really bad cancers.
With our life on the line we would risk it all!
When you are down by the bottom and just need a call!
Were bros, we are the dudes you call gay.
Just because we love eachother in a whole other way.
It feels like wierd to say, but you absolutely complete me.
And with you on my side nothing in this fucking world can defeat me!
And im wrighting this man, just wanted to see if you knew.
That i most certain and deffinetly would do ANYTHING for you! <3
Bollie boll <3
Till dig mannen, älskar dig bro! <3
You made all my fucking dreams come true!
The beautiful sight of you walking into a room.
I know the sight of you can save me from my doom.
As you walk in, im releaved of my fears.
I can count on you, cuz you are always there for me.
There is no other way there can fucking be, you see?
That i get so fucking happy when your smile breaks me free.
Im your boy, you are my boy, we are inseperable.
Were bros, and together we are fucking invoulnerable.
Because or humour is fucking awesome, PERIOD DONT NEED A RHYME!
We stay tuned for the each others answers,
and a week seperated is like a fucking life time of really bad cancers.
When you are down by the bottom and just need a call!
Just because we love eachother in a whole other way.
It feels like wierd to say, but you absolutely complete me.
And with you on my side nothing in this fucking world can defeat me!
And im wrighting this man, just wanted to see if you knew.
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Johan Glans, men kolla på hela och få ett gott skratt! (Y)

Någon snubbe sa att när han var liten så var det föreläsningar. Då var det någon jävla pundare från stockholm som kom och berätta hur farligt det var att röka han sa såhär "Det börjar med en cigarett, sen blir det tyngre grejor. Sen hamnar man upp på plattan"
Och komedi snubben var skåning så han hade ingen aning vad det var (Plattan asså) Då sa han i micken "Får man en sjunga på en skiva?" då började jag asgarva, och jag skriver förfullt men jag vet inte varför. Är förjävligt trött!
Men nu ska jag (Mini Gangstern) gå ut och röka sen krypa ner i sängen med flickvän!
Du får ha det så bra!

Gör så mannen, ha de finfint ^^ <br />
Detsamma ^^

Är fett jävla trött och jag förstod inte riktigt meningen med din första kommentar ^^

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