Friday 2 October 2009 photo 3/5
S E C T I O N T W O:
Hetalia Fan Grab Bag
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Who is your favorite character? Why?
Spain nii-chan, Prussia and Korea~
Nii-chan because he's happy, and kind, and sunshine, and dense, and hot, and cute, and *continues ranting*
Prussia because he's Awesome xD
And Korea because he's funny xD
2. Your least favorite character? Again, why?
3. Your favorite pairing?
Spain x Romano! >:D
4. Your rival ship?
Russia x Lithuania.... or any pairing with Russia..... -_-'''
5. Did you learn about a country through Hetalia? (E.g: A country you hadn't even heard of until reading/watching Hetalia).
6. And which country do YOU belong to? Do you like the corresponding character?
Chile/Sweden xD and Sweden is cool but too stoic T3T
7. Why?
*se above*
8. Which party do you like better? The Axis Powers, or the Allied Forces?
hmmmmm~ The Allied I think~ :3
9. Shinatty-chan. Respond with one word.
10. You will become one with mother Russia, yes?
Hetalia Fan Grab Bag
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Who is your favorite character? Why?
Spain nii-chan, Prussia and Korea~
Nii-chan because he's happy, and kind, and sunshine, and dense, and hot, and cute, and *continues ranting*
3. Your favorite pairing?
Spain x Romano! >:D
4. Your rival ship?
Russia x Lithuania.... or any pairing with Russia..... -_-'''
5. Did you learn about a country through Hetalia? (E.g: A country you hadn't even heard of until reading/watching Hetalia).
6. And which country do YOU belong to? Do you like the corresponding character?
Chile/Sweden xD and Sweden is cool but too stoic T3T
7. Why?
hmmmmm~ The Allied I think~ :3
9. Shinatty-chan. Respond with one word.