Tuesday 12 April 2011 photo 5/5
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"The long-gestating film version of the comic-book Deadpool finally has a director in place. Deadline reports that visual effects guru Tim Miller has been tapped by 20th Century Fox to direct X-Men Origins: Deadpool. Miller will make his directorial debut on the film, having previously done visual-effects work on films like X-Men, X2 and Daredevil.
Ryan Reynolds has long been set to play the lead in the film, having portrayed the “Merc with a Mouth" in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. However, producer Lauren Shuler Donner recently statedDeadpool film will be a reboot and won’t acknowledge the events that took place in Wolverine. Hit the jump for more on Deadpool. that the
Miller will be working from a script by Zombielandwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. The film has long been promisedto be a hard-R and unlike the other superhero movies flooding themarketplace. Donner echoed this sentiment, saying “It’s an R script,it’s really irreverent and violent. Right away, we’re out of the X-Menworld."
What’s interesting about Deadline’s report is that they referred to the title of the film as X-Men Origins: Deadpool instead of simply Deadpool.Is Fox banking on that X-Men recognition to get people to the theater?Is the film going to be more closely related to the previous X-Men films than we thought? It’s also possible that Deadline misstated the name of the film. Nevertheless, Reynolds has been very vocal about approaching the character correctly, and with Donner on his side I don’t see Fox meddling with the film too much.
Reynolds will next be seen in Green Lantern, and with writers already working on a sequel to that film the actor may be contractually obligated to do Green Lantern 2 before he can get to work on Deadpool if Green Lantern does the kind of business that Warner Bros. is hoping for.All-in-all, this is exciting news. With a director officiallyattached, the ball should get rolling on this project fairly quicklyand we may actually get to see a hard-R comic book version of Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds"
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Jätteglad över att det blir en Green Lantern film >w< Vill se att det blir en Flash film snart oxå >,<!!!!

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